

Responses from thecarpathian

JJ preamp tubes - repeated problems
JJ's are mediocre tubes at best. For best sound and reliability, get some nos from a reputable dealer.  
First world problems - Rf Shielding....
Are you talking a room size Faraday Cage??  
Private Messaging
Private Messaging
What’s his name? He may have been suspended and that’s why you can’t message him.  
Ways to make your digital streaming sound better
Maybe she was there to give you your meds?  
Look at these beauties
They look like props in a cheesy sci-fi movie.  
Private Messaging
@malatu , It got deleted because it sounded like you were trying to make a private transaction while leaving AG out of the loop. Strictly forbidden. Question: Is the ’message user’ coming up for you and just not working? Click on my username an... 
Private Messaging
Or, find a post he wrote, click on his username, A drop down box will  appear that says 'message user'.  
Ways to make your digital streaming sound better
There is literally something wrong with this guy. I honestly hope he seeks help.  
Ways to make your digital streaming sound better
In case anyone is interested, @ditkaditkaditka is the formerly banned recklesskelly, jerryg123, earlflynn...and many others all banned because of well, just look at the above. He's not even pretending to be civil this time. Childish insults righ... 
Ways to make your digital streaming sound better
@tomic601 , I believe tosh is slang for a bunch of hooey, balderdash, nonsense, and other such mugwumpery.  
Ways to make your digital streaming sound better
"What was this thread about again?" To sum up; If you're a constipated cyclops, you can get better sound if you ditch copper and leave your cave.  
I'm looking at some sound suppression.
Hope it wasn't the good stuff!  
Ways to make your digital streaming sound better
@mclinnguy , I think having a third eye might make you a triclops. Really not sure how that works.  
Ways to make your digital streaming sound better
I believe ’bunged up’ took care of that one.