Responses from thecarpathian
Ways to make your digital streaming sound better @audphile1 , Man, I wish I'd thought of that one!😆 | |
Conrad Johnson DV2b tube CD Repair @rbschauman , Try these guys: | |
Ways to make your digital streaming sound better And the 'Abrasive 🍑🎩 Award' goes to.... @ditkaditkaditka ! And after only 6 days on the forum. Possibly a new record. | |
Ways to make your digital streaming sound better @ditkaditkaditka , " are not an expert just a loud mouth on a forum. " Projecting? So, what makes @audioman58 ’s opinion on his observations less valid than yours? | |
20 Years? Maybe you could help @nonoise with his time machine! | |
I'm looking at some sound suppression. Interesting, I often confuse it with that big, slow guy in Game of Thrones... | |
I'm looking at some sound suppression. @quantos , An otolaryngologist is simply an ENT, an ear/nose/throat doctor. | |
20 Years? It's been 11 years since I started spouting my nonsense on here??! @nonoise , When you get that time machine up and running, let me know. I've got about 6 million things I'd like to rectify. | |
Look at these beauties Totally not what I wanted it to be when I read the caption. | |
Best Covers Harry Nilsson- 'Without You'. | |
Can I turn my 2-way Bookshelf speakers 90°…? In the time it took you to post this, you could have turned them on their side and found out. | |
shy about prices Welcome to the intricacies of the global market! | |
Best Covers @polkalover , That really cracked me up! 😆😆😆 | |
Best Covers Sinead O'Connor; 'Nothing Compares 2 U' Simply ethereal. | |
"The Mystery Of Sound Is Mysticism" Humming as health and relaxing practice must be done lips closed and the voice must stay on one note at a confort pitch level for the people doing the humming ... After some few deep slow respirations, we must hum 5 times to reap the benefits... ... |