Responses from thieliste
Thiel Owners @ronkent I've owned the Diablo 300 during a year with my 3.7s and didn't like the presentation at all. Its was pretty harsh sounding and the bass was lean. I now use a Vitus SIA-025 Mk2 which is class A, this integrated is in a different league ... | |
Thiel Owners @ronkent Can you please let us know if you had the right threading included in your Gaia kit for the 3.7 outriggers. I would also like to try the Gaia ll footers eventually. | |
Thiel Owners I'm probably going to the crossover upgrade on my 3.7s next year, it is really worth it if you plan on keeping them for many more years. | |
Qln, Joseph Audio, Audiovector, Marten, or Canton...? I've heard the Joseph Perspective 2 paired with Vitus RI-101 Mk2 integrated amp. Very engaging speakers and very impressive bass for the size. Definitely a great speaker that i would consider. | |
Thiel Owners @ronkent Didn't you lose any bass with the Gaia footers under your 3.7s ? Richer sound is a very good thing for 3.7s as they can sometimes sound lean. Paired with the BHK 300 they must sound fantastic. I will definitely upgrade to monoblocks a... | |
Thiel Owners @dr3 What amp are you using to drive your 3.7s ? It is indeed pretty difficult to get good bass with 3.7s if your amp doesn't deliver enough current. A good pair of high current monoblocks is usually what works best. | |
Qobuz or Tidal? I started with Qobuz a couple of years ago but decided to add Tidal because some titles were missing in Qobuz. If you can afford it better to have both IMO. I mostly do streaming with a Roon Rock NUC and HQPlayer core. | |
Thiel Owners @dr3 A friend of mine told me i might lose some bass if i use Gaia footers. Since they are not cheap i'm not willing to take the risk. Any thoughts ? | |
Integrated amp for Thiel 3.7's If you guys want my take on Gryphon to drive CS 3.7s well it’s not a good choice. I’ve had a Diablo 300 for a year and sold it because it was too bright and too lean sounding. I now have a Vitus SIA-025 Mk2 class A, this is in a different league... | |
Thiel Owners Do some of you guys use Isoacoutics Gaia ll footers under your Thiels ? | |
streamer need........... For Qobuz and Tidal just get what i have, Aqua LinQ with HQPlayer module and a Roon Rock NUC. | |
Thiel Owners @drack1 with that amp i would definitely get a pair of 3.7s if you can find one. | |
Thiel Owners @tomthiel Thanks so much for the story. | |
When people upgrade from Thiel I agree very difficult to upgrade from Thiel speakers. I sold my first pair of 3.7s in 2020 but my wife and i missed them so much that we decided buy another pair in early 2021. My plan is to upgrade pre-power and DAC in the futur but not the Th... | |
Thiel Owners @vair68robert Thanks yes it's a beautiful dark Amberwood finish. My previous 3.7s were not as dark, i much prefer this darker Amberwood. |