Responses from tksteingraber
Audiophile-grade ground rod? I use crushed charcoal with quartz crystals in my DIY ground boxes. Some ground rods are buried in a trench horizontally instead of vertically. Drilling/ driving not required. Just a thought.🤔 | |
Question about suitable fuse metals @lcherepkai Congrats on joining the sluggos. I use copper sluggs except in my tube pre where my QSA yellow sounds better for some reason. Kind of tames things down in a good way. I have nerver had a power plug fuse blow in my many years of ster... | |
Can I do any better than BJC LC-1 or Gotham GAC-1 Ultra Pro for the money? Yes you can…i used WBC mogami cables until I tried some Nordost odin 2 and Gold Chinese copies. Way better if you don’t have an issue buying Chinese. Stunning SQ for the 💰. Highly recommended by many. Check out this thread. | |
Value of a premium Ethernet cable @macg19 try giving a value Amazon optical set up a try. Under $100 without LPS. Couple hundred with an LPS. Some like it others don’t and it’s returnable. Worked wonders for me. Set up is router-ethernet cable- FMC-Optical cable- 2nd Fmc - best... | |
Tube Testing Service Recommendation + 1 for Western Glow. I used their testing service prior to buying a Hickok 605a tube tester. David was very responsive and an excellent communicator. | |
MULLARD 12au7 longevity In this crazy hobby…Longer than you want to keep the component they are in…🤣 | |
Ethernet @zappas additional details on your set up need and what you are using the ports for would be helpful. If you want to keep your router then buy a multiport switch to plug into one of the ports. I had the same issue on my prior router and bought a $... | |
Value of a premium Ethernet cable @ghdprentice can you share more details on what you baked and how they tastes differed? Thanks 👨🍳 | |
1975 New Reflektor 6n23p SWGP or Siemens/Amperex/Telefunken Cca? @scm the tubes I bought sound fantastic in my Lab12 Ref DAC. They rival my favorite much more expensive French Phillips E188CC tubes. Stunning for the price. I bought some Reflector 6P3S (6L6) output tubes from the 1960’s with them rivaling my ... | |
1975 New Reflektor 6n23p SWGP or Siemens/Amperex/Telefunken Cca? @scm i bought set of 5 on ebay $35 and made sure they were Voskhod Rocket’s. I bought from a source in Ukraine thinking if it doesn’t work out it will be a donation to help someone out in their horrible war situation. I picked one listed as new,... | |
Amplifier and Speaker A/B switcher @retroactiv Here’s the link. Good luck with it all! | |
Amplifier and Speaker A/B switcher @retroactiv On a leap of faith I bought a Chinese made one from Aliexpress ($70) which is similar to your ebay suggestion. Mine has a 2 to 1 switch. It was offered with a higher quality model with a silver alloy relay, silver plated wiring, nic... | |
Value of a premium Ethernet cable @macg19 interesting how cables perform differently in different systems. I compared Amazon cat 8 generic, BJ, Pangea SE and AQ Cin and could hear no discernible difference. Returned them all kept Amazon. I have a Bricasti M5 network streamer wit... | |
Will increasing speaker cable AWG make a difference in sound quality? Buy 2 gauges of the same wire and same connectors (or bare) and have fun answering your own question. I did…bought Kimber Kable 8TC and 12TC. On my system I could hear a definite all around improvement in the larger gauge 12TC. Fuller sound, im... | |
Any love for the Gentalex Gold Lion 12ax7 gold pin? I only buy old stock now. Tried GL’s and Tung Sol’s but just didn’t sound nearly as good in my amps. I prefer a fuller warmer sound so I prefer RCA blackplates, Mullard long plates, Sylvania blackplates and Amperex. They provide warmth and detai... |