The part I can agree with is "try it yourself at home"
If you think you are getting noise into your analog system via the Ethernet, I suggest you have a crappy Ethernet NIC so you are expecting magic cables to fix a bad design. If you tested you would probably find a lot more garbage is from the processors in the router and switches and not RFI. If your receiving device does not take care of it, it was not correctly designed to work in the intended environment. Blame your box, not the cable. As far as which cable it is possible to transfer this noise, it is only the last link as the signal is reconstructed in the router and any switch.
If you believe, so be it.
What you hear is what your brain says, not the actual sound. -140dB noise flor? Well that is truly fantastic so quite a great system. Not sure how you get that as even a Bryston amp has about a 114 dB SNR. -140 is pushing Johnson noise. With what source material? A CD with 110 dB dynamic range compressed to maybe 40 to make it loud? A super great LP direct to disk that maybe has 65dB? Or do you have some first generation 24/192 digital files before mastering? I bet what you are actually hearing is more like -80 dB if it is actual physical, not perceived.
Oh, yea, guess I'd agree a lot of big box cables and hubs are junk. So junky I only get 360 Mbs on my computer with Amazon cable, self terminations, Netgear dumb hubs and the supplied Spectrum router and Modem. Not saying Belden is the only or the best but if you buy their wire, it will meet spec. I have had no problems with Netgear hubs. Instead of expensive linear supplies, I just put a ferrite on the wall wart cable.