Responses from tom_nice
Passive pre with Bryston 7B ST?? How many sources are you running? If only one, you might consider the EVS attenuators--they go right on the power amps and save a cable and some connectors. But in general, I don't see how a 10K ohm passive could fail to work with the 7B ST's. The... | |
Placette pre amp I can't disagree with anything Pipetman said, but could add that I'm using a DIY passive with OTL amps with no problems. Placette looks very good to me but if you're a DIY type at all, you can make a world-class passive using Shallco switches, Hol... | |
Digital volume control, WADIA style I've used an Accuphase DP-75 both straight into power amps, which calls for using at most 12 db of attenuation, usually 6-8 db, and through a very high quality passive preamp, one that's a lot more detailed and transparent than my old CAT SL1 III.... | |
Digital volume control, WADIA style I've used an Accuphase DP-75 both straight into power amps, which calls for using at most 12 db of attenuation, usually 6-8 db, and through a very high quality passive preamp, one that's a lot more detailed and transparent than my old CAT SL1 III.... | |
Room acoustics needs help. Jadem6 is stealing my recommendations! I got into this Thread preparing to say exactly what he said about Everest. (Could I dare to hope that he got the idea from me? All I can be sure of is that I didn't get it from him.) If you want to hear abou... | |
Best cartridge for Planar 25 Denon USA (310-974-1010, no other way to reach them that I know of) will sell you the old classic DL 103D for pennies under $229. I'll soon be getting mine and trying it with a Rega 25, which has a Goldring 1012 now. If you can wait and contact me... | |
Passive preamp and biamping Granting the wisdom of Mikelavigne and Redkiwi on the desirability of (1) keeping interconnects from a passive short, and (2) having high input impedance in the power amp, one experience of mine would indicate that these principles should be seen ... | |
Passive preamp and biamping Just to emphasis a valid point already made twice, with a passive preamp you're just throwing some of the signal away (letting it go to ground without going through the power amp) and throwing less of it away, or even none of it, can't possibly be... | |
personal experiences with quaility preamps... I agree with Redkiwi, but if you want separates you might consider Sonic Frontiers Pre-1 or Pre-1L, the former with phono, the latter without. I had a Pre-1 and a CAT SL-1 III at the same time, and the Pre-1 stood comparison quite well. Depending ... | |
Volume Controls for CD Players "fidelity may be degraded by the manner in which the remote control functions" doubtless refers to the loss of bits in digital attenuation, an uncontroversial fact but maybe in some designs, with "bits to spare", not a worry. Wadia goes to great l... | |
SME IV or Wilson-Benesch Act .5 for Linn LP12? I'm surprised to hear of anyone wanting an SME IV! When I had one umpteen years ago, people were dumping them used for about $50 Canadian. The problem with them, as dealers told me, was that SME had backed the wrong horse--light weight cartridges ... | |
What do you think? Assemblage ST-300 B I didn't build one, but I did get the Signature Platinum version, factory-built, and no tubes broke in shipping. It's my first SET 300B amp, but I've had good amps before, like Pass Aleph 3's used as monoblocks, and I LOVE the Assmblage, while I r... | |
Any good audio book suggestions ??? You'll have heard this before from me, Sean. But for others who maybe haven't, my acoustics bible is F. Alton Everest's "Sound Studio Construction on a Budget", and his "Master Handbook of Acoustics", 4th edition, should be as useful. Then there's... | |
Question for users of bare wire ends speaker cable Fbi, sorry, I can't remember whether I cut off the tinned ends and started with bare wire to solder on the spades. But would it matter? It got plenty hot and any tinning that might have been there would have been melted into the new solder, wouldn... | |
Question for users of bare wire ends speaker cable I was advised by the person who upgraded my Qud ESL 63's to use bare speaker cable wires, tinned. Then I was advised by another expert to use spade lugs instead, which I did. The spades made the system sound enormously better. I'm sure this is jus... |