Passive pre with Bryston 7B ST??

I am wondering whether the Bryston monoblocks are suitable for passive attenuators/pre while the Bryston preamps (are said) to be the weak link of this pre/power combo. As the Brystons are pretty well known I'd gues that someone would have tried it with a passive pre (FT Audio LW1 for example)

The Brystons have a high sensitivity (0,8 volt) and a high input impendance. My cd-player (Musical Fidelity Nuvista 3D) has a low impendance 2 volt output according to the red book standard.

Any comments?
While I can't speak to the 7B amps I did try a Reference Line passive with my 4B-ST and while I found the sound to be clean I thought my amp was best served by an active preamp. Seemed to my ears to work better with the BP-25 and even better with the Rogue 66 but thats another issue (tubes vs SS)...
How many sources are you running? If only one, you might consider the EVS attenuators--they go right on the power amps and save a cable and some connectors. But in general, I don't see how a 10K ohm passive could fail to work with the 7B ST's. The passive/active debate will surely never end, though in a recent post almost everyone liked passives best. Is there any way to try a passive risk-free? I've had high end active preamps--e.g. a CAT SL-1 III with its signal path factory-simplified, and prefer a DIY passive. But such knowledgeable reviewers as Martin Colloms believe that even a top CD player offering digital volume control sounds better through a top active preamp. In the end, it may be a matter of what aspects of the sound matter most to you--though I don't feel I'm losing anything with a passive.
...that's how it's suppose to work. Having sencitivity of .8V and the source output of 2V you won't need any extra gain.
Try it with Creek OBH14 and it'll smoke Bryston BP25 in your case.
Agree with Rdg. I have tried Reference Line Preeminance 1A with 4BST and later on 7BST's driving a pair of Maggie 3.5Rs. I gave up and went to active preamp. Try a tube preamp for your 7BSTs...