One box solution

Hello Everyone, 

I finally hit a wall with my health, I am almost 72 and have to downsize and move to a facility. It’s a very nice place but a lot smaller and my current set up can’t go so it’s all going in to storage. 

I am looking for a one box solution, the Naim Uniti Atom comes to mind but I am looking for better if that’s possible. My budget is 15k or less and has to have a remote, I don’t get around so good. Actually need bookshelf type speaker suggestions too…so 15k or less for speakers and 15k or less for a all in one intergrated…I will only stream so the box needs to have a Dac and everything built in, airplay,and Quboz…maybe the Uniti Atom is the best solution but was hoping for something better…thanks..



Sorry to hear of your situation.   Prayers for a recovery best as possible and for you to assimilate easily into your new living situation.  My mother did well for years in independent then transitioning in assisted living.  The social interaction and activities kept her sharp to 91.

My recommendation in you more than adequate budget would be a Mola Mola Kaluga one box with Vivid S12 bookshelf speakers.  Alternatively, with the box, a Burmester 232 integrated at higher cost.  An alternative speaker, also at higher cost, is the Sonus Farber Guarneri, also at higher cost.  I have heard all combinations of the above and the will give clarity, timbral accuracy, speed, dynamics, staging, imaging, and excellent bass to about 35-40Hz so you should not miss much.  Good luck. 


I’m not ready to get rid of my big rig but I am setting up a small one box streaming only system for my bedroom (I’m 71).  I’m using a Cambridge EVO 75 that I formerly used with my tv as the streamer and amp but the star of the show are my speakers: Dali Menuet SE. I currently have this set up in my office as a near field system and I love the sound.  Check out the reviews on the Dalis — and they are beautiful and very well made. Best of luck to you. 

I live down South here in the Portland area. My dealer has instructions that if I kick the bucket before my partner to sell my system and also my record collection in one piece and give the proceeds to my partner.

@ghdprentice I don’t have anyone to give my rig too. It’s a modest system..

‘Pass Labs Preamp, Pass XA-25 amp and a First Watt Sit-4, Meitner MA3 dac

, Denafrips Venus Dac and Volti Audio speakers..

I will figure something out…

‘oh also some Klipsch speakers ..

I had a neighbor kid help me pack up stuff today and found a Naim Uniti Atom and some Opera Prima Bookshelf speakers that my ex left behind in her art studio…so going to use that until I get my footing in the new place..