
Responses from tomcarr

Classic Over-reaction!
@tomic601 , wish I could, no space available. An excellent suggestion, thank you.My "problem" really isn't much of one. Just my wife and I, (kids are grown and gone), my listening is typically on Saturday mornings for an hour or two, the AC is sup... 
What Do You Think About This Comment?
Excellent post douglas_schroeder! 
Now, I'm confused.
And room treatment... 
Now, I'm confused.
+1 maceo23 
speakers with balls
Love my Vandies, love Maggies too, but neither of them would I consider having the balls to rock.Agree on the above posts.Just read JBL is re-introducing the L-100 with updated drivers and x-overs. $4k/pr. It will rock.BTW, if "modern unit" means ... 
Soooooooo many possibilities...!
+1 erik_squiresAlways address the room first.It will give you half of what you hear.If you don't know where to start, read Jim Smith's book Get Better Sound.I use Primacoustic panels and recommend them highly.Don't spend another dime on gear until... 
Now, I'm confused.
+3 lpretiringMy soundstage became larger/bigger/deeper only after I installed room treatments, and I'm listening to SS, not tubes.I'm using Primacoustic panels, purchased from Sweetwater Sound.No vested interest, just a happy customer.Read Jim Smi... 
Experimenting with Speaker Room Placement
Buy Jim Smith's book Get Better Sound.Read it, then read it again.Get your positions of speakers and listening seat established.Do room treatment.Enjoy how much better your system sounds.Enlighten others. 
Emotiva XSP-1 vs Belle 22A
+1 Belles 
Is Jim Smith's Book"Get Better Sound"Best Book ?
Agree 100% with @barrysandy  about the book. I can't speak about Jim Smith himself, but it wouldn't surprise me to find out he is a great guy. 
3 head cassette decks
Had a Nak back in the 80s. With metal tape, peaks set for +7 dB (if I'm remembering correctly) it made fabulous sounding tapes. And the feel of all the controls was fabulous too. 
What are your favorite upright 4-5 shelve audio rack recommendations?
I like all racks, regardless of number of shelves or cost, to be placed on a side wall, never between the speakers. 
Please , Thank you.Help in choosing a CD or a CD/Universal player
I'm curious about the Primare too. 
Cd Player Choices To Match Up to Vintage Electronics
You've already got a great system for background music. I wouldn't change a thing.  
Tekton Double Impacts
That is so true. Loving the music, and hope you do too :).