

Responses from tomic601

AudioQuest Pegasus vs Thunderbird Interconnects
re; Pegasus ; I have a set of Fire in SE which are similar to the Niagara XLR i used to evaluate Pagasus and 3 above in the AQ line. Detail and resolution Niagara has a slight qualitative edge. Yes the new top silver AQ are better…at significant c... 
Turntable prices. Is my mind going?
@mijostyn You might selectively recall the concept of functional decomposition as a systems engineering process… IF you subject the mightly SOTA Saphire ( yes i owned a few, sold many ), you will ( perhaps ) understand the excess of parts having n... 
Turntable prices. Is my mind going?
@lewm …. i shall paraphrase and modify … grousing about luxury goods is the hobgoblin of small minds…. because, even the lowly AR is such as @8th-note so deftly points out….  
Audio Racks, Just How beneficial? looking for guidance in upgrading
@mitch2 Thanks for the post. I had a great conversation w Patrick at SmC. It is indeed brass and in some applications a more elaborate sandwich, possibly including Panzer, Carbon Fiber, Stainless, as well as something proprietary….. :-)   
The Midnight Effect - Who-How?
And kind sir, i missed your comment about the boondocks….. ;-) i’m a dual Condo dweller… i envy your solitude. I probably missed it but is your system on a single 20 A dedicated circuit w a tightened main panel, verified excellent grounds and a n... 
Audio Racks, Just How beneficial? looking for guidance in upgrading
@pindac the SmC Gravity base appears to be a constrained layer sandwich of Copper and Panzerholtz…. DIY is commencing… As an aside…. Panzer isn’t $… but it’s not $$$$…. unless… To the poster who mentioned Box, also an excellent rack.   
15k USD Speakers for Classical and Pop Extended Listening, Near setup, Low volume
I love my Atom but your other choices are also solid. Support is in Canada although in 6 years of ownership in a variety of systems and roles, I've had zero issues. You can check my virtual systems ( Casa Pacifica and Vintage ) to get an idea of t... 
Audio Racks, Just How beneficial? looking for guidance in upgrading
One must always keep in mind that the OP may have started the conversation, community knowledge is more important….. @mgattmch Trading Friday texts w Arnold as he was off to deliver your rack i surmise. I looked at your Gale system photos…. lovel... 
YG versus MBL versus Borrensen versus Vandersteen
WAF….. Woofer Acceptance Factor ?….. you really should join the Vandy forum…. lots of integrated amp owners with appropriate filter caps installed in various mfr. amplifiers….. have fun, explore…. Jim  
Help with XLR ICs.
AQ will validate but will also destroy fakes - reputable sellers shouldn’t mind routing the cable to Irvine, CA for that verification or providing equivalent documentation….  
The Midnight Effect - Who-How?
You missed my comment about measuring you ambient noise floor at various times….. that’s ok….most audiophiles lack an SPL meter for level matching and other essential tasks….. :-)  
Turntable prices. Is my mind going?
thank ——— that the appreciation of the beauty and emotional connection of much music does NOT seem to require a “ basic understanding “….. of…. anything….    
Help with XLR ICs.
I’ve had the top 4 AQ IC in my system ( 2 M XLR ) between REF Phono 2se > REF 5se for 2 weeks ( this is where it helps to have a relationship w a dealer w muscle = Audio Ultra in Seattle ). You can see pics of the rest of the system ….. AQ wild... 
Breaking news! Jays Audio is moving to Texas and takes interest in McIntosh
Truck compensation……   
YG versus MBL versus Borrensen versus Vandersteen
Sure… a Sub 3 is a very unique Vandersteen subwoofer w 11 bands of EQ to address room node issues which allows you great bass AND the flexibility to place your mains ( in your case Treo ) for best imaging. The high pass filters greatly reduce to b...