

Responses from tomic601

Music first or sound first?
There is just something magical about a perfect sine wave…. was it 440 or x ?… @mikelavigne  I must’@patrickdowns with the MIB memory eraser before he left my place….. memory is fleeting….they say On a much more serious note for those coming dow... 
Anyone ever have, use or hear this tube?
Power abhors a vacuum, electrons…not so much. I love the smell of warm tubes, coffee ( and napalm ) in the morning. On a serious note.. while i love Andy and have in past been an ardent supporter / customer…. i just can’t tolerate the very long ... 
Best amplifier for Acoustat 2+2 electrostats for holographic sound, or change speakers?
Your amplifiers are not destroying the spatial information you seek. I sold your 2+2 and many other stats. You don’t mention which wall you have them on and where the absorbers are… Typically audiophiles overtreat the room… w absorbers…typically a... 
Am I right for this forum?
@tvad Im working on a writeup ….roughly on One Possible Path to Becoming a More Intentional Audiophile  
Mike - thanks for all that work w photos and observations. Best to you in music. Jim  
Am I right for this forum?
Without a doubt there are few who don’t relish the underdog and the achievement of parity or more…. The world wants a $5€ Strad…. and abhors those who do not seek…. And yet….. Strads are….. incapable of being described by mere words… or numbers….   
If you have a nice system why do you really need room treatments?
You missed the very important time element….. the ear - brain needs X ms to ID…. RT where T = Time  
dedicated power receptacles for mono blocks?
@noromance has it exactly correct - pick and stick to one leg of the panel when creating n > 1 dedicated home run audio power lines to your panel. IF at all possible in that adventure put all motors and inverters on the opposite leg. I normally... 
Thin Line Between Critique and Courtrooms: A Dialogue on the Recent Audiophile Drama
Dude… the venue will be Utah….Best we can hope for is 50/50 shot at justice… However dinner at the Red Iguana is on me… best Mole on the planet save my mother in laws Florida with what’s her name is worse odds…  
Thin Line Between Critique and Courtrooms: A Dialogue on the Recent Audiophile Drama
@dz13 You seem to have your head on right ;-) thanks for being here.  
Thin Line Between Critique and Courtrooms: A Dialogue on the Recent Audiophile Drama
My $.02 is none of this Sound and Fury will cost Tekton a single customer… oddly many people ( one banned here ) SANG incredible, incessant praise before HEARING them….. So things will go on. I appreciate both the detractors and defenders ( if you... 
Thin Line Between Critique and Courtrooms: A Dialogue on the Recent Audiophile Drama
@magister You seem to confuse hate with disdain and loathing of juvenile and petty behaviors… Pick better heroes,,,     
40+ watts SET, cost is not a problem
@jond Yep…..but like in most things… transformers matter… Roger Modjeski wound them himself. @atmasphere Ralph… zero nfb glad to hear you utter those words…. ha.  
If you have a nice system why do you really need room treatments?
iF helpful i can send you a Leica or Bosch laser tape… all, emphasis ALL my services are free  
If you have a nice system why do you really need room treatments?
@emergingsoul …sorry you are suffering…. let’s try this… dictate the big components of your system. the speakers and placement being #1. Distance to adjacent surfaces and the basic room dimensions, including any openings. A general description of ...