Responses from tomic601
Quatro Wood best feet One thing to understand is that most all Vandersteen feature cabinet within a cabinet construction WITH a proprietary constrained layer damping between cabinets, so the cabinet is not vibrating a lot.RV is data driven and the 7 cabinet is his refe... | |
Vandersteen Treo CT Steve - what veneer did you decide on ???? | |
Quatro Wood best feet Yes they stock themi have them under both my Treo and 7 with hardwood floorsjaclyn in parts can get them out to you | |
Tubes with Infinity IRS Betas Not so much coin to put a Threshold into the mixfor grins..... | |
Big speakers in small room at moderate volume levels Another vote for a serious listen to Vandersteen Quattro CT :-)tuneable for the room in the Analog domainnot many arei am biased, own 3 pair along with other stuff....your mention of listening fatigue has me a bit intrigued.... how loud are you li... | |
Quatro Wood best feet Start with the Vandersteen spike shoes, machined Aluminum cups the spike fit intothey have a felt pad to protect your tile.they will also preserve the geometric relationship in the manual for tilt, ear height, distance to speaker.iMO start there. ... | |
Power Purpose try 240 next time | |
Tubes with Infinity IRS Betas We were an Infinity dealer, everything except IRSthe Big CJ Premier 1 had the needed gruntbut sounded even better with an Acoustat amp driving the low endas Melbguy saysimo more problematic is integrating the bass towers into the room and not endi... | |
Quatro Wood setup help i can walk you thru it on phone.Send me a PM with contact infobest to youwe will get them sounding fantastic jim | |
Does anyone care to ask an amplifier designer a technical question? My door is open. RIP CharleyI was a friend of some small depth on Facebook and a BIG fan of his VXR amp....countless hours of musical enyoyment.Peace and grace for his family and a lasting legacy of greatness is my prayer... | |
Why so few speakers with Passive Radiators? Jim T and Richard V seperated at birth my theory, sold and own both. RIP Jim and Dick Hardesty, who was absolutely correct in the time period he wrote it. The Treo is a poor mans Quattro and has a downward firing port. The have impressively tight ... | |
Quatro Wood setup help IF having read manual ( available free at Vandersteen website ) you find this a bit daunting I can walk you thru it. You will need some tools that total less than $100. You will also need a Vandertones CD or free download.Call Richard or Nathan at... | |
Does anyone care to ask an amplifier designer a technical question? My door is open. Tim - yes the hafler ampswhat great fun and valuesee you soon !jim | |
Does anyone care to ask an amplifier designer a technical question? My door is open. thanks for awesome thread Rogeri got to page 27 of the Williams book and he says “ but as you learned in your AC theory course... “ what book do I need ? Dont answer, I will figure it out...Tektronix scope is on order...@$&*(#### this... | |
Replace CJ with new equipment +++++ for Andy at Vintage Tubes.... |