

Responses from tomic601

Quatro Wood best feet
One thing to understand is that most all Vandersteen feature cabinet within a cabinet construction WITH a proprietary constrained layer damping between cabinets, so the cabinet is not vibrating a lot.RV is data driven and the 7 cabinet is his refe... 
Vandersteen Treo CT
Steve - what veneer did you decide on ???? 
Quatro Wood best feet
Yes they stock themi have them under both my Treo and 7 with hardwood floorsjaclyn in parts can get them out to you 
Tubes with Infinity IRS Betas
Not so much coin to put a Threshold into the mixfor grins..... 
Big speakers in small room at moderate volume levels
Another vote for a serious listen to Vandersteen Quattro CT :-)tuneable for the room in the Analog domainnot many arei am biased, own 3 pair along with other stuff....your mention of listening fatigue has me a bit intrigued.... how loud are you li... 
Quatro Wood best feet
Start with the Vandersteen spike shoes, machined Aluminum cups the spike fit intothey have a felt pad to protect your tile.they will also preserve the geometric relationship in the manual for tilt, ear height, distance to speaker.iMO start there. ... 
Power Purpose
try 240 next time 
Tubes with Infinity IRS Betas
We were an Infinity dealer, everything except IRSthe Big CJ Premier 1 had the needed gruntbut sounded even better with an Acoustat amp driving the low endas Melbguy saysimo more problematic is integrating the bass towers into the room and not endi... 
Quatro Wood setup help
i can walk you thru it on phone.Send me a PM with contact infobest to youwe will get them sounding fantastic jim 
Does anyone care to ask an amplifier designer a technical question? My door is open.
RIP CharleyI  was a friend of some small depth on Facebook and a BIG fan of his VXR amp....countless hours of musical enyoyment.Peace and grace for his family and a lasting legacy of greatness is my prayer... 
Why so few speakers with Passive Radiators?
Jim T and Richard V seperated at birth my theory, sold and own both. RIP Jim and Dick Hardesty, who was absolutely correct in the time period he wrote it. The Treo is a poor mans Quattro and has a downward firing port. The have impressively tight ... 
Quatro Wood setup help
IF having read manual ( available free at Vandersteen website ) you find this a bit daunting I can walk you thru it. You will need some tools that total less than $100. You will also need a Vandertones CD or free download.Call Richard or Nathan at... 
Does anyone care to ask an amplifier designer a technical question? My door is open.
Tim - yes the hafler ampswhat great fun and valuesee you soon !jim 
Does anyone care to ask an amplifier designer a technical question? My door is open.
thanks for awesome thread Rogeri got to page 27 of the Williams book and he says “ but as you learned in your AC theory course... “so....now what book do I need ? Dont answer, I will figure it out...Tektronix scope is on order...@$&*(#### this... 
Replace CJ with new equipment
+++++ for Andy at Vintage Tubes....