

Responses from tomic601

Dead Can Dance reissues - not happy
loving this thread..... 
Does anyone care to ask an amplifier designer a technical question? My door is open.
 @mrdecibel indeed.....I think IF memory serves correctly we sold at least 4 pair of them including to a bar owner who loved his music while tending bar....On a lark one night at the store, while owner away, we biamped them w DH500 on the low end ... 
The Future of Audio Amplification
might be time to listen...again....that is part of the fun after all, otherwise we would all just be on discogs...talking about music....I bet the hard core organ crowd hates the synthesizer dudes...also, sausage and Filet be da&&ed ! atua... 
The Future of Audio Amplification
somebody saidwithout suffering, God is an abstractionso it must be with Class Aand for the agnostic there is class D 
The Future of Audio Amplification
I have heard both the ARC monoblock 450 wpc and stereo class D amps (225 wpc )with a REF5 , source was TT , Ayre CD player, AQ cables and Vandersteen 7 at HiFi buys ( at that time 2013 Audio Alternative)other amps auditioned that day over a 9 hour... 
Naim Uniti Star/Nova and Turntable
The Atom at least has but one analog input, so a TT and SACD outputting analog would be a PITA, defer to caphill on # of analog inputs on STAR or NOVA 
Naim Uniti Star/Nova and Turntable
Maybe via HDMInot sureyou might try the two NAIM groups I mentioned the FB group is monitored by some of the support folks in Canada and there are quite a few members with Uniti range products  
Question on Speakers...KEF R700 or Forte III's?
Forte needs some room away from wall.... even in a larger roomyour room is going to mess w dynamics so I would be inclined to recommend going down line to Heresy or get the KEFboth have virtues but you are comparing salmon to apples....for higher ... 
How to Hook Up Vandersteen 2W Subwoofer
I guess I can relate.... when I go to 7 from Treo I certainly get visceral impact !Audioquest makes a decent quality splittervery affordable, you would really want the M5 alsosome dealers have them usedAnother option is electronic crossover , Musi... 
Does anyone care to ask an amplifier designer a technical question? My door is open.
and yes customer brought his Bob Carver Phase 400 in and wanted to hear it with Litz wire speaker cables into ADS 2030.....kabooom......in all fairness, we had a service department that saw a lot of fried Phase 400, you could look crosseyed at the... 
Does anyone care to ask an amplifier designer a technical question? My door is open.
I have a garden hose MIT PC that is a PITA and made my Ayre amp sound worse...IMHO I think a well executed coldwelded moulded cord on quality Belden wire is in many cases superior to glam cables that put a ton of physical loading on connections ( ... 
Replace CJ with new equipment
I would be inclined to mod/ refresh the CJ gear IF you want refirnementgo shopping IF you want a flavor change 
How to Hook Up Vandersteen 2W Subwoofer
IF the preamp has two sets of outputs, I would suggest a vandersteen M5- HP crossover on the 3a sig you may need to run Vndertones w SPL meter to tweak the high pass frequency....also the 3a are flat pretty darn low with the rear wall facing acous... 
Naim Uniti Star/Nova and Turntable
 @audiotroy yes I stated the Atom is A/BNAIM is cagey about the overall architecture...there is clearly an A2D in the box and a DAC, where they are cagey is IF analog input REMAINS analog all the way to speaker. Many have asked and NAIM remain cag... 
Does anyone care to ask an amplifier designer a technical question? My door is open.
+1 for anything Jim B touched !!!!!!RIP