

Responses from tomic601

Amp upgrade from Ayre V-5xe
there are a few people, me included that think the vx-r is better than .the mx-rya might have a listen..... 
Amp upgrade from Ayre V-5xe
Hard to beat an Ayre stack....vxr is under radar underrated ampespecially if you can find a twenty series....i spent 3 x to better it....,,work your cables, isolation, myrtle blocks, power cords before you change..,,,, 
McIntosh MC 1.25 KW
@pops I should clarify the 600 w sub amps are built into 225# speakers, the monoblocks for mid-bass and up are a flyweight 125# each .....so i I am no match for aircraft Carrier size iron.... 
Best vintage amps (late 70s / early 80s) under $3k?
Audionics of Oregon CC2a Low TIM amp, one of the first..... and very sweet sounding..... 
Blocking the propaganda
i also dabble in the exotic and somewhat esoteric but i also enjoy ( several..maybe even 3 ) very salty Johnsonville Brats with my Seasmoke Tenlife is much to short to argue much....there are things to be learned from anyone...including Fremer... 
McIntosh MC 1.25 KW
stuff like that makes my back hurt...but I am running 1.2 KW with 4 amps so maybe I need a head and back exam....i do remember hearing them driving big wilsons at Stereo Design in San Diego, certainly effortless !!!! 
Blocking the propaganda
OPclarification accepted and appreciated!turns out my filter inverts phase and feeds it back in to inputs !!!!!i value the inputs and opinions of others for sureone way is humble yourself and start listening to what others have on TT, CD player or... 
Need power amp recommendations for system
I have heard the big Rogues running Vandersteen 7’s in SanDiego at stereo Unlimited.... sublime speed and control for abtube amp, although w Vandersteen powered bass ( some would say cheating )they also carry your speakers ( different room w Mac o... 
Klipsch Heresy 1 Compatibility question with Class D Amp
If you love it what could be wrong !!!!enjoy the music 
Apollo R + Codex v. different CDP or Ayre QX
@jetson Lifatec looks greatI may order a B stock to testthanks for the tip !!!!!! 
Apollo R + Codex v. different CDP or Ayre QX
@jetson Wireworld Supernova 7i believe another poster also recommended this 
acoustic vertical window blinds
Hunter Douglas = goodbut I learning something from @geoffkait and @folkfreak and will get some when I replenish my supply of microdotseriously I have a 12’ window in my high end room - cantilever out over Puget Sound, so the view ain’t going away.... 
Blocking the propaganda
Also after working kaizen on many many complex machines ( simple stuff missiles, space shuttle, 787 ) - I do not believe perfection is yet attained.... on anything- let alone your friends mystical unnamed turntable..... 
Blocking the propaganda
I use an apodizing filter to get rid of the unreliable bits.....like this thread..... 
The big DAC decision
Lots of very very capable and revealing cans out there - very worthy of fantastic front endsi use a set of Stax in my mobile recording and edit work and benefit greatly with both excellent Wadia and Ayre A to D and D to A converters.there are a to...