

Responses from tomic601

Incoming ... Joseph Audio Pulsars
enjoy !this hobby is inexpensive relative to chasing fish.... 
Whats playing on your system today?
Heads - More Songs about Buildings and Foodnot exactly sure what is next...Garcia or maybe The War on Drugs.... 
Looking for amp advice (punk, rock & reggae edition)
.....i mixed sound for a Punk / Rockabilly band. ( pretty much dominated by two stacked 4x10 Ampeg cabinets. )...lets just say the stacked LaScala PA struggled to keep up . so i may have an inkling of what it sounds like...And i listen to REM and ... 
Vandersteen VLR Wood ..any love for these?
dont forget the mighty 1cii bought a returned pair ( customer upgraded to Treo CT ) for my “ therapy”  room aka hunting/fishing work room....i did listen hard to the VLR and it is a tough choice....i store a bunch of radial diffusers ( aka fishing... 
speakers with balls
there is fine linebetweenballsand taking advicesound advice, any advice reallyfrom deaf people...hayou could also just get some commercial cabinets, load em up with real drivers and let it bleed.. 
speakers with balls
Cornwalls....about $1k a pair and then a nice 50-100 wpc tube amp, the MC275 perfectyou will need hearing protection and a decent lawyer to keep eviction at bay.... 
speaker repair in the Seattle Tacoma area
doubting dealers stock woofers...call PSB ? 
Naim and Elac Adante, Wow
Hotel California better for ADA...see what I can do 
speaker repair in the Seattle Tacoma area
Hawthorne in U district in SeattleGig Harbor Audio if Tacoma 
Typical New Speaker Dealer Discount A Buyer May Expect
wide range of margin so you can expect some discounting with high margin brands to make you feel better...IMO shop on value and services delivered...just my buck fifty... 
Amps for Vandersteen 3a Sigs
a few more great proven choices ....in addition or reinforcing of what others have said...AesthetixARCAyreQuicksilverVTLRogue 
Amps for Vandersteen 3a Sigs
if he already has the subs I would be all over the pair of Treo for sale now on Agon...cherry not CT $3250....... ah hem......love the Quicksilvers, heard them running 5a....magici had my 3a-sig for many many years and a few rooms with a MC202....... 
Classic Over-reaction!
tomcarrsee if you can get the dedicated line on a different phase leg at your breaker box.... 
McIntosh MC501 or Audio Research DS450M for Magnepan 1.7
kinda like when IBM sold big blue mainframes..” nobody ever gets fired for buying IBM “... ditto for the big blue meters...i currently own   just 4 Mcintosh components, so take my comments  with a grain of salt....do you like the sound of those au... 
The ups and downs of tube vs. SS...
btw this has been a very civil thread with a lot of hard won knowlege being shared - I for one see this as the best Audigon offersthank you all !