Responses from tomic601
Vandersteen 3A Sigs vs Klipsch Forte III Hopefully we are helping the OP | |
Vandersteen 3A Sigs vs Klipsch Forte III Not to get tooooo far off topic but the physics of a large baffle vs minimal baffle are pretty well understood and IF you can’t hear it try this simple experiment with a 1’ x 1’ price of cardboard, cut mouth hole and have someone speak thru hole .... | |
Your Side by Side Experience With Best Vintage vs Newer Expensive Hi Tech Speakers The point about restoring vintage is well taken.... needs to be up to snuff....and frankly I appreciate and use the two tone controls on the MX-110i think that is a virtue McIntosh mostly continues to this trying to to convince me that ... | |
Your Side by Side Experience With Best Vintage vs Newer Expensive Hi Tech Speakers Rudy Bozak was a visionary | |
Your Side by Side Experience With Best Vintage vs Newer Expensive Hi Tech Speakers Grew up with Dad’s b-305 ( half a concert grand ) driven by MX-110 and MC240I still have the MC gear.... good for the day.....maybe a full bottle of Cab in but my LiL Vandersteen 1ci a much more accurate and musical speaker.... I run Em with the M... | |
Vandersteen Treo CT Also I see LM have a 48 wpc integrated amp out now...... with big very hot tubes - have to keep nephews away.... | |
Vandersteen Treo CT Mike.... I have not forgotten you and I will absolutely make good on the promise- Treo are in storage in Hanford birthplace... condo schedule took a one month hit when the bathroom tile was not up to WAF standards.....i have heard the LM ( at Gig ... | |
How to properly hook-up a Martin Logan Grotto sub to Parasound pre P5? With vandy 2sig.... Check your Vandersteen setup while you are at it - the acoustic coupler on the back of the 2 will still be active. how far away from the back wall are they ?Agree Audiotools is a great app, well worth owning !!!! | |
Stands? GeoffkaitVolksPebble | |
Recommendation for a modern Duntech Sovereign 2001 replacement Well it seems you have an affinity for 6 dB filters, at least go hear the Quattro CT - Vandersteen has been working that design principle for 37 years....enjoy your search :-) | |
Vandersteen 3A Sigs vs Klipsch Forte III heardthat...62 degrees and marine layer in Carlsbad today....i don’t envy Shubert any at all...freaking 9 degrees....i actually have kind of a running joke going on starting a mobile Audio business called VanderVan, where we just load up a pair of... | |
Vandersteen 2ci and 2ce Cool threadowners weighing in niceiF you can swing 3a-dig and 2x subs, you are not far away from a pair of 5no comparison in bass, especially with eq tuning to room - this is why the new sub gets analog 11 band eqnow having said that, there should... | |
How to Hook Up Vandersteen 2W Subwoofer call Randy at Optimal Enchantment in Santa Monica, he almost always has both configuration used at reasonable prices as long term customers move between balanced and SE gear.... | |
Vandersteen 3A Sigs vs Klipsch Forte III yes Vandersteen works continually to upgrade and improve the product sometimes without official designation, just look at the evolution from model 2 all the way to 2ce signature II.......and those are the major changes......they have sold ( still ... | |
Vandersteen 3A Sigs vs Klipsch Forte III no worries Tim, please do get in touch !!! pretty sure subs or quattro would get me evicted...... |