
Responses from toronto416

Looking for recommendations for integrated with a more “organic” sound.
If you buy used and can stretch a bit you can consider Accuphase or Luxman integrated amps.  
Verity Audio Parsifal Ovation with Plinius Hautonga
Sounds powerful enough - enjoy the music!  
The pull of separates - Luxman M-10x vs. Accuphase A-48 power amps
Adding to the list of class A options would be the Luxman M-800f amp + C-800f preamp (they do appear periodically on the used market) as well as the new Accuphase E-800 integrated amp.  
Verity Audio Parsifal Ovation with Plinius Hautonga
I have owned Verity Audio Parsifal Ovations for 14 years powered by a Luxman L-509u integrated amp - which is 120W into 8 ohms and doubling to 240W into 4 ohms with a damping factor of 370.  It is a wonderful amp/speaker  combination. I am not fa... 
user poll on seperates vs integrated
Both Luxman and Accuphase make outstanding integrated amps, and I have used the following in my 2 systems: Luxman L-509u, L-595A Accuphase E-260, E-380. I especially like the Luxman L-595A pure class A integrated - 30W into 8 ohms, 60W into 4 o... 
What is the best solid state amplifier you have ever heard?
The best integrated amps that I have heard in my system are: Luxman L-509u Luxman L-595A Accuphase E-380  
Verity Audio Arindal vs. Amadis S speakers
From Verity Audio on Facebook:   Question to Verity Audio: The Arindal seems to have evolved from the Amadis S - what are the similarities and differences between the Amadis S and the Arindal?   Reply from Verity Audio: Hello Mark, the midra... 
Proac K6 Signature, Sonus Faber Amati Tradition,Verity Audio Amadis, Kharma DB-9
People collect vintage cars, camera equipment, and audio gear from companies that are no longer in business - yet those items are prized and sought after. Verity was a small company with 5 to 8 employees in addition to the owner and CEO.  They ma... 
Proac K6 Signature, Sonus Faber Amati Tradition,Verity Audio Amadis, Kharma DB-9
I have had the Verity Audio Arindal in my system since yesterday. They are spectacular - very musically engaging, detailed, and transparent with a livelier sound than the Verity Audio Parsifal Ovation and with a bigger more expansive soundstage. T... 
Seeking Bookshelf Recommendations
I was also going to suggest the Joseph Audio Pulsars - wonderfully musical, and they go down to about 40 Hz so they reproduce acoustic bass well. I bought some used ones a few years ago at about 35% of list price (so 65% off).  
All in one unit for headphones- help me decide
Chord Hugo TT2 +/- Chord M-Scaler + streamer such a Zen Streamer.  
Listening position/speaker position
Thanks @tvad for the book recommendation - I just ordered a copy of "Get Better Sound".  
Proac K6 Signature, Sonus Faber Amati Tradition,Verity Audio Amadis, Kharma DB-9
I am not sure that selling them is the right move as there are demo units selling at about 40% off retail, and a used pair will go for even less.  The Arindal is supposed to be a magnificent speaker.  It was launched in 2022 and I doubt they made ... 
Proac K6 Signature, Sonus Faber Amati Tradition,Verity Audio Amadis, Kharma DB-9
Greetings - how are you enjoying the Verity Audio Arindal?  
A good cd transport for my Chord HugoTT2 DAC with Chord M-Scaler
Thanks @soix.  That would be a good route for me to take to start streaming Tidal at home:  Zen Stream + iPowerX.  I see several used ones on CAM, and that makes it even easier to try.