

Responses from tpreaves

Which power cord more important?
Check out these pc's from PS Audio.I use them on all my equipment.They add nothing nor do they take anything away from the music,a good thing IMHO.Very affordable,also a good thing!!!http://www.audioadvisor.com/prodinfo.asp?number=PSPUPC 
Biggest Baddest Audio Cables
I bet those 3/8" rods are difficult to maneuver around!!!! 
Beatles for sale? Well ...
The Beatles will probably be for sale again when the Michael Jackson estate is settled. 
Your Favorite Traditional Ballad
Leadbelly "Where Did You Sleep Last Night?" 
Whole House Surge Protection
Simple,unplug your equipment when you leave for vacation or if there is a chance of lightning.I work out of town and my equipment gets unplugged when I walk out the door. 
Whole House Surge Protection
Unplug your equipment during lightning storms if you want to protect it.It's the only safe way.Lightning does strange and destructive things. 
DIY Nearfield Monitors
I second Stanwal's suggestion of Madisound.Also,check out Common Sense Audio.They carry Lowther,Fostex,PA Audio and their own brand Audio Nirvana.They include your choice of enclosure plans with speaker purchase.There is a lot of information and s... 
Les Paul dead at 84 nt.
Albert,Also one of the most talented guitar duos. 
Looking for a Great Sounding Outdoor Speaker
Thedautch is right. Go somewhere else with the political rants. 
Tube preamp and McCormack DNA-500
The Manley Labs Shrimp has an output z of 50ohms and 2 pairs of preouts. Price New $1880 w/o remote $2300 w/remoteThere is a used one on this site for $1050.The ad has all the specs.No affiliation,just trying to help. 
Looking for a Great Sounding Outdoor Speaker
Ait,I'm also looking for outdoor speakers and I some interesting ones on the DefTech website.More than my budget allows but they fall right in yours.I have not heard these but I have heard their home speakers,they sounded really good to me.Good Lu... 
Les Paul dead at 84 nt.
A very talented and innovative man. 
Gallo Ref 3.1 stands, need more stability, help...
go to soundocity.com and check out their outriggers 
What about Cardas Cord?
Make you own unless you're getting a really good deal on the Cardas. 
analog newbie questions...
Joe,If you're getting the Cambribge phono pre amp,I don't think you would go wrong getting a Cambridge integrated. The cartridge should be fine with the 540p.If there is a possible mismatch one of the analog guys here will probably let you know.Ho...