

Responses from tpreaves

is this the greatest live band of all time?
You've got to be kidding. 
Happy 80th to Ringo
Keep on keepin' on Brother Richard. 
Charlie Daniels dead
An icon of several music styles. Rest easy Brother C, 
Grover Huffman Speaker Cables
Contact the manufacturer and ask them. I'm sure they know better than anyone else. 
Preamp to match Rogue Audio Stereo 100 Power Amp?
Why not try a Rogue Pre-amp? Just a thought. 
Is it really worth it to get a phono stage over $10k
Worth, as anything else subjective, is in the eye of the beholder. 
Are these Speakers the BEST on Planet Earth ?...
Not expensive enough to be the best on planet Earth !!!!! 
Scam or awesome deal
Awesome deal to try and  get your information more than likely. 
1st SACD Purchase
Get one of your favorite recordings and go from there. 
Marantz PM8006 integrated amp as preamp
What do you not like about the amp section of the Marantz? 
Tweaks that work? (yes very subjective topic)
skypunk OP66 posts05-27-2020 2:41pm@tpreaves  you need every penny you can get! Bet you don't have two nickles to rub together. Of course I do. I told you that I refuse to spend money foolishly!! 
Tweaks that work? (yes very subjective topic)
Taping a penny on the cartridge will produce a jaw dropping experience. Some will insist on a nickle but I refuse to spend money foolishly!!!!! 
Digital Amplifier Company aka Cherry Amplifier ...
They have a pretty big following on AudioCircle, try there for more info. 
Upcoming Neil Young album, Homegrown Vinyl. A must have?
big_greg2,347 posts05-21-2020 9:42pmI'm waiting for the Pono version. ROTFLMMFAO !!!!!!  What a fiasco PONO was. 
Interesting Fed Ex encounter...
Dude,I'll get back to you ASAP!!!