Responses from treepmeyer
patricia barber - diana krall - holly cole +1 for Melody Gardot and thanks for the various recommendations. I'll try them out soon. | |
What Gear Has Disappointed You? Like okhunter and mahler123 with their Brystens, I have a major user interface disappointment only mine is with miniDSP and Volumio.The hardware (SHD Studio) is fine, but the Volumio os/ui is so frustrating that after a year of trying to get comfo... | |
Sonus Faber speakers - what's your experience? oddiofyl - coincidentally, I am considering a trade for a pair of Concertinos for a secondary system. They'd be used in an apartment primarily for vocal music, some low key jazz, blues and rock and paired with a Martin Logan sub. I've not heard ... | |
What are/were the best sounding cheap components you have ever had? Well, in 1975 I bought a friend's 100 album rock vinyl collection for $10. Paired with a Shure V15-III. Great sound for a pittance. More recently I picked up a Qudelix 5k USB headphone amp/dac/dsp. Shockingly good for $100. | |
NODE as just a streamer / Airplay device I can recommend the Node2i as an excellent streamer. I did not think much of the dac and bypassed it, but I understand the newer version has an upgraded dac. I replaced it with a miniDsp SHD Studio because I wanted DiracLive dsp. That it does, ... | |
Newbie seller Yup. Done. Thanks for all the comments. | |
Newbie seller Update: I've emailed the buyer twice with no response. I guess its safe to assume that it was delivered. It didn't occur to me that the USPS tracking would be so screwed up. Well, thanks to everyone for the comments. | |
Newbie seller To tell you the truth, I don't feel good in this situation. I've got my money but the buyer is stiffed through no fault of his. If I refund his money I'm the one getting stiffed. | |
This is good Schiit... There are three black B-stock Yggdrasils for sale on the Schiit web site. Save $100 or so. I too and a frugal mid-fi person. Had a Modi 3/Vali 2 stack for Senn HD650. I wanted to like it but I did not. Despite that experience I am still inte... | |
Best streamer for a returning audio guy I, too, went down that path. Bluesound Node2i is a fine streamer; great user interface app. I bypassed its dac in favor of the dac in a Cambridge CXA81. This was a major improvement in SQ. So, I would recommend the Bluesound as long as you exp... | |
Another person going digital and full of questions @mattchanoff - I followed a similar path recently getting into streaming. I started with a Node2i (at the recommendation of Bes at Music Direct). It does have a well-executed user interface and lots of connections. Works well as a streamer. Bu... | |
Need Recommendations for a pair of Speakers around $1,000 Occasionally Wharfedale Jade 3 stand-mounters come up for sale. About $800. Beautiful and great sound quality. | |
Looking for an integrated amp to replace my Cayin A-50T OP, +1 on that Cambridge CXA-81, especially as a back-up. I've had one for a year and have no complaints at all. You can probably get one used for under $1000. | |
Potential Pair of Great Bookshelf Speakers for Sale! lanx0003 - Your question is spot-on. Truth is I very much like the Jade 3's paired with the CXA81. Only limitation is a certain muddiness or lack of crispness in the 500hz region, especially with piano music. I'm guessing that is a room acousti... | |
Potential Pair of Great Bookshelf Speakers for Sale! I'm in a similar position. Currently have Wharfdale Jade 3 bookshelf speakers and have been considering Harbeth P3's. The Jade 3's are really nice in my small room but the P3's shine in the mid-range female vocals that I prefer. Is it worth swi... |