
Responses from trelja

Review: Hyperion HPS-938
Excellent, thorough, very professional and passionate review! Thank you!I have been holding off in this thread for a while. As some may know, I wrote up a big recommendation in my annual "TRELJA In New York", 2004 edition. I, and my two friends, w... 
Recommendations for 5V4 rectifier for Cary 2A3i
Michael, several tube amplifier manufacturers I have spoken to have told me that they don't hear any sonic benefits to rolling the rectifier tubes. And, these are avowed tube rollers. However, on the other side of the street, I have read several g... 
$1200 vs $200 cd players
Despite some of the assertions that the newer generation of mass market CD players are at the same level as the better players, I disagree. I will say that many of them are much better sounding than those of 10 years ago.First, the less expensive ... 
Driver efficiency vs. overall speaker efficiency
You are correct about the definition of efficiency, Gregm. The term we are actually discussing in this thread is sensitivity, but I didn't want to interject it until you so wisely brought up what efficiency actually is.My perspective is that the b... 
The end of Focal based speakers like Wilson Audio?
If the bigger Wilsons are using Focal mids and woofers, they'll need to get cracking. But, there are a lot of drivers in the world, though I really like the Focals for their speed and highish sensitivity. I would more worry about the excellent sma... 
Best speaker cables for Thiel CS2.4 speakers
Great to see you here Redkiwi! We all REALLY miss your insight. 
The end of Focal based speakers like Wilson Audio?
Didn't I just say that??? 
The end of Focal based speakers like Wilson Audio?
Correct me if I am wrong, but the only part of the Wilson WATT/Puppy loudspeakers that use a Focal driver are the tweeters. And, at least to my ears, it's the achilles heel of the speaker.Don't worry, they'll still be able to source a more lively ... 
Driver efficiency vs. overall speaker efficiency
Twl is correct.Though, one should question the heck out of companies who use drivers of 88 db/2.83 V sensitivity and then claim the speakers are 94 db/2.83 V sensitive. I know of one famous one that plays this game egregiously. 
"Non Inductive" resistors.
Yea, like "what if someone simplified these crossovers..." Would they not be so much easier to drive and also far cheaper at the same time? 
"Non Inductive" resistors.
Resistors do make a big difference in the treble. This is most obvious on a speaker that uses a metal dome tweeter. A lot of the glare, hash, spit, and irritating sound is gotten rid of.Just because a resistor costs $4 does not mean it will sound ... 
Has hi fi become too specialized
My goal in this hobby is to have a great time listening!I don't pursue "the absolute sound" for the sole sake of it. If 90% of the stuff I played sounded bad, I'd be VERY unhappy, and consider the sound of my system to be poor. When I go to listen... 
Why even bother?
SEDOND!!!Doug! Oh my God! The MAN has returned. It is SOOOOOOOOO good to see you, my friend. Hope you are back now,Joe 
I need a good quality CD player - with changer
Tom, while I don't have any experience with any other changer so I don't know if it is slow in comparison or not, it is a bit slower than I would consider ideal. Though, not nearly as bad as the early Sony SACD ES (SCD-1 and SCD777ES) players I li... 
Tube amps for classical music FU29 vs EL34
You can run most any everyday non triode output tube in the JOR, beyond the 6L6 variety.KT90 is the most powerful. EL34 sound much different (softer) and less powerful, though there is no penalty in terms of life, and the standard Orchestra uses t...