Responses from trelja
Cambridge 500se vs. Azur 640c? The Cambridge Azur 640 is a significant step up from the D500SE. First, the build quality finally arrives at a place where I am satisfied. The D500SEs that I had were not as well build as my 1987 Pioneer PD5100. The Azur 640 looks like an audiophi... | |
CES 05 Excellent reports Jallen and Metralla! Thank you!!! | |
Ei vs Electro-Harmonix KT90 I too, am curious as to what the impressions of the EH KT90 are. I'm thankful EH began production, it is a worthwhile endeavor.I can personally vouch for the ruggedness of the Ei KT90 tubes. I had them in my Jadis for 5 years, one shorted (no dama... | |
Atma-Sphere M60 or David Berning ZH270? Laoyuap, yes, my Coincidents are modded. The mods are quite extensive. The original Vifa tweeters were replaced by ScanSpeak Revelators that I got from Israel. The Seas midwoofers were completely rebuilt by the BEST speaker guy in the world - this... | |
Atma-Sphere M60 or David Berning ZH270? For those who haven't kept up with everything, Ralph has ALWAYS favored the old chassis of the M60. It's his seminal design, it is HIS amplifier (in any and every way you can think of). If you put a gun to his head and told him he could only make ... | |
Atma-Sphere M60 or David Berning ZH270? As our very dear friend Michael (Swampwalker), has owned the Berning ZH270, AtmaSphere M60, AND a Joule Electra, he is the authority here. From his experiences and perspectives, which I trust a great deal, the Atmas are a bit warmer and richer tha... | |
Speaker repair-need help Sean, during a conversation with Bill yesterday, we discussed your plight.He said you were an incredibly nice individual(which I told him - he didn't know you and I were friends), and hoped that he was able to steer you in the right direction. He ... | |
Atma-sphere S-30, any users out there? Personally, Tim, I think the M60s are the Atmas to get. You get double the power, a much wider array of speakers to choose from, and an easier time selling if that day ever should come. The Atma house sound will be present in both products, however. | |
CES 2005 Initial impressions... Excellent report, Sam!Thank you!!! | |
Best Way to Ship & Insure Small, High Value items? Thank you, Fatparrot! Though, in the grand scheme of things, testimonials, such as yours (the customer), from people like you who we have gotten to know and trust, are the most important statements in these matters.I think your statement about the... | |
JM Labs Original Daline Speakers How about throwing them a good old fashioned question?Surely, they have technical service representatives in house who perform this function. I think they would be happy to help you. | |
Best Way to Ship & Insure Small, High Value items? ANOTHER vote for USPS Registered Mail!!! In the strongest manner I can recommend it.As someone who worked for the USPS part time when I was in college, believe me, Registered Mail is akin to the king sending a personal note to someone. It gets a l... | |
Tube integrated amp less than 12" in depth? Springbok1, I would talk to both Jolida themselves and maybe to the Parts Connection about the triode conversion. I once heard a Jolida 302A converted to triode operation (glorious sound), and I am not sure if the guy did it himself, had Jolida do... | |
good match for Atma-Sphere M60 Well, since Adam (Banksfriend) bought the M60s from me, and Spencer pointed out that we did a pretty long audition with the Coincident Digital Master and Fried C/4 satellites, I figure I should also throw my two cents in.First of all, Hyperion has... | |
Tube integrated amp less than 12" in depth? Interesting!To be quite honest, I never cottoned to the Jolida 502B, for exactly the reasons you listed, Sprinkbok10. I always felt the 202/302 amps were much better sounding. The 801 seems to correct what the 502 does wrong, but still has a touch... |