Responses from trelja
Speakers "Disappearing" @tubegroover +1Though VERY few achieve it, correctly siting the loudspeakers / coupling them to the room proves pivotal to the overall sound. Imaging, of course, but all facets of the sonic presentation.Like focusing a lens, it’s either perfectly ... | |
Inexpensive Tube Amps In the process of downsizing, I just sold my pair of Quicksilvers. Lovely sound, the kind which all but a handful of Chinese product cannot approach. Apart from the need for avoiding brittle (JJ) 5AR4 rectifiers, never a hiccup. The dead simple... | |
Grado Labs customer service. @oddiofyl Thank you for sharing this. You've shown that Grado Labs again proves making high quality audio products in America and backing them up doesn't need to cost top dollar | |
We Need A Separate Forum for Fuses @georgehifi You make a good point regarding the aging of fuses. I don't think we have considered the degradation they endure by the turn on - turn off process over time. As someone who has had to run a lot of aging tests in the electronic mater... | |
Inexpensive Tube Amps @roberjerman, "Save your money and buy a REAL tube amp from Will Vincent (autospec)"I think that's a more than excellent way to go. Will's standard rebuilds are Dynaco ST70 restorations with upgraded parts and aesthetics. Considering how many of... | |
Chinese products @recluse "Are all these products in fact the same? with the hope that someone will pay more for a variety of reasons?"No, they are not all the same. That said, many instances DO exist where the same product gets sold under different names, and di... | |
Ess Company @jimess Thank you for starting this thread.My dad got a pair of AMT1 when I was a child, and I have them in my house here. We used to rock out pretty good with them. Really nice speakers at that time, but even better memories | |
Cayin A70T has bogus tube rectification? @helomech, "Similar to Line Magnetic, there are plenty of gray market Cayin amps out there. Maybe your example is one of them?"Honestly, that's a flat out poor (but effective, so it seems) excuse some Chinese manufacturers and their North American... | |
Is Agon becoming the eBay of audio? @jond Good eye there! You truly sussed it out | |
Is Agon becoming the eBay of audio? All right, something both salient and interesting to this conversation...I put an ad up this afternoon, and specifically chose 7/10 rating for this listing. After checking it when it went live, still 7/10. Tonight, come back home to give it anothe... | |
Is Agon becoming the eBay of audio? +1 tooblue.I've been selling off a bunch, here, AA, USA Audio Mart, and ebay. Things definitely seem different these days from when I've bought and sold from 1999 - 2016.For one, it seems there are more folks who flake out than I ever previously ... | |
First Tube Amp @recluse, like so many Chinese amplifiers these days, Yaqin makes fairly good ones. It's no surprise at all that you have enjoyed it since it arrived. And it probably has improved since break in.As so many North American and European entities ha... | |
DENAFRIPS DAC ---- Owner Impressions, Feedback, General Discussion, Questions and more.... @bube, "I had a recent session at my place to show off the system I am bringing to AXPONA (including the Terminator) and everyone seemed to like it."+1. I was there, and echo what Vinh said, everyone seemed to like it. Speaking for myself, I s... | |
We Need A Separate Forum for Fuses @chefhat, "thought your tweeter story was fascinating, but I would doubt whether the expensive fuse would sound better than the regular fuse - however I can see why no fuse would sound the best!"Looks like we agree no fuse would sound the best. ... | |
6L6 vs EL34 @jond, "Heard from Vu in his opinion 6L6 warmer and to him more musical at the expense of a bit of power."Sounds like we're of the same mind. As folks have mentioned, there's a diversity of opinion. As I like to say, that's why they make vanilla... |