Responses from trelja
I'm thinking about a Jolida system, and would like to know from those in the know! You really can't make a wrong move here, both amplifiers will provide fine build, reliability, customer support, and good sound.I've spent a lot of time around both products and both companies. Rogue brings a higher parts quality in such areas a... | |
It really comes to something when a brand as iconic as Gibson Guitars cant stay afloat! @jond "Did anyone read the article I linked?"Yes, I read it when it came out last year. Makes a lot of sense, as culture evolves, where people spend their time, focus, talents, and money shifts.The consumer electronics elements of Gibson pulling ... | |
I like Steve Guttenberg. @bondmanp "I am also a fan. I've run into him numerous times at audio shows. He is friendly, humble and just a really nice guy."Saw him bopping around the NYC show last year, had that same impression. Lots of folks stopped him to chat a bit, an... | |
It really comes to something when a brand as iconic as Gibson Guitars cant stay afloat! @roberjerman "Why buy a high-priced US Gibson when an Asian-made Epiphone offers comparable quality at a fraction of the price!"You do know Epiphone is part of Gibson, yes?The ability to play in the affordable space didn't save them from this.Gibs... | |
High End is Dead? @michaelgreenaudio I feel both thankful happy to read everything you've put forth here over the past several weeks. Thank you for your perspectives and contributions | |
AUDIO PRICE INSANITY PRICE VS. PERFORMANCE WORTH IT? Buying the excellent used components from the past 20 years with proper setup in a good environment will achieve as great and satisfying sound and at quite modest cost as any of the current ridiculousness in pricing | |
New or Old CD Player? @trelja "I cannot recommend the Hegel Mohican...Like the rest of their players, it simply comes off as a rebadged Opera Audio Consonance CDP, typical of that outfit's efforts in the first 5 years of this millennium. At $5000, you're spending 2X ... | |
DENAFRIPS DAC ---- Owner Impressions, Feedback, General Discussion, Questions and more.... @drrnc2 I have found pretty much the opposite--the better the DAC (or perhaps any link in the chain) the better the marginal recording sounds.Well said, Rich. During our get togethers at Vinh's that assertion held up. We listened to recordings o... | |
Bill Legall-MillerSound speaker driver repair These recent posts seem intent on damaging the reputation of Bill Legall of Millersound.I don't see how including selective correspondence, including a bullying, coercive lecture on the way Bill runs his business, and how he should change to satis... | |
DENAFRIPS DAC ---- Owner Impressions, Feedback, General Discussion, Questions and more.... Glad to see this level of enthusiasm for Vinh's room, including the DENAFRIPS.Now that there's some distance between the show, I'd like to hear more perspectives.As for me, my opinion remains the four products slot far closer than one would expect... | |
Is a GREAT turntable under $2000 possible??? Congratulations! I think you made a good choice with the Technics.The goal of $2000 for a great table is difficult, presuming you actually adhere to the adjective great. The Marantz is a nice enough product, presents a complete, tidy package, bu... | |
too bad Audiogon seems to have morphed to fussy, picky buyers One thing I could clarify is my perspective transcends Audiogon and audio itself.We might consider the Sputnik moment for consumers gone off the rails the woman who with no sense of shame or decency returned the Christmas tree to Costco this past ... | |
too bad Audiogon seems to have morphed to fussy, picky buyers I agree with the sad state of the used market sellers.I've been a part of this site since it began almost 20 years ago. Buying and selling always went smoothly, and with almost zero issues. I've even met people who've become friends by way of tr... | |
We Need A Separate Forum for Fuses @geoffkait Let’s hope the military isn’t paying for fancy fuses what they paid for toilet seats on Air Force One.If anyone has ever worked on either side of the military procurement process, they know how much they (we) overpay for everything.As I... | |
Axpona 2018 A lot of excellent reports here, thank you all!My friend encouraged me to attend the past several years, with the claim it's becoming one of the best shows around. I can tell from everything said in this thread that he's definitely right |