Responses from trelja
no body is buying anything on audiogon The economy is DEFINITELY to blame. Two weeks ago, I was eating in my cousin's fancy restaurant. Her and her husband also own an upscale furniture store. I spoke to them about how things were going. They said that things have been well off pace si... | |
HomeGrownAudio cable Owners I have both the Super Silver and Silver Lace. I think the Super Silver excels at speed, clarity, transparency, and detail. In my opinion, the Silver Lace makes major improvements. Most apparently in the areas of bass response(extension, power, and... | |
Disappointed in SACD player Stereokarter, you touched on the point I keep forgetting to include in this thread. Outside of our community, no one in the record stores is even familiar with SACD(or DVD-A). So, what I am saying in a nutshell is the following two things. First, ... | |
Disappointed in SACD player Thanks to all for the lucid responses. You are all correct about everything you all said regarding Tweeter and the superiority of SACD. I guess the point I am stuck on is the fact that this format is NOT trickling down to mass or even mid fi. Unle... | |
brulee fails PC challenge You haven't failed anything Brulee. Rather, you made an observation. One in which a lot was learned. Usually people whistle through everything, rarely stopping to observe. You did. Take that out of the whole experience, and add it to your already ... | |
Opinion needed-Coincident Super Eclipse Sutts, Khaki8's opinion's are interesting, are they not? Just as you asked me about Coincident being thin in the mids/highs, here comes someone who feels as if they are exaggerated in the highs. I think the conclusion should be that everyone's tas... | |
AMC Tube Amplifiers Joe b, I have to disagree with Sedond on both of his points. First, I don't find Electrocompaniet or YBA tubelike to my ear. But, I do find both fabulous. And second, he was not making a shameless plug. That Electrocompaniet amp of his is such a s... | |
Speaker Cable for Tube SET System? Brulee, whatever it is called is less important to me than you enjoying it. Trelj'a Pile, Stack, Row, etc. All are fine with me. I think I will start a thread in the music section soon that lists those CD's, updated every month. If others bought t... | |
Speaker Cable for Tube SET System? Leafs, I can use all of the "paisans" I can find on this site. My family is from southern Italy, which is the case for most Italian-Americans. The migration was from the late 1800's to the mid 1920's, when our ancestors came here to escape the pov... | |
I normally don't ask for help, but..... I will lend whatever help my prayers add. Thank you for your kind and generous act here Albert. You are truly a blessing on our site. | |
Most annoying Stereo magazine claim So when can we look forward to the Stereophile review BMW of the BMW 330ix? | |
Kudos to several dealers This is a nice thread.Mine are in no particular order, just great people I have come across in my travels.John Adams. Community Audio. Philadelphia, PAMike Leschner. The Stereo Trading Outlet. Jenkintown, PAIsrael Blume. Coincident Loudspeaker Tec... | |
The most beautiful Integrated Tube amp? One thing about the Jadis Orchestra Reference. Please don't confuse it with the Orchestra. The Orchestra is considered to be very beautiful by many, but when compared to the Reference, it looks more than cheesy. The Orchestra substitutes the real ... | |
The most beautiful Integrated Tube amp? The Jadis Orchestra Reference is one of the most beautiful amplifiers you can buy. 24 karat gold over brass fascia and knobs, stainless steel, real wood, transformer covers in black and 24K gold, exposed tubes and capacitors. Definitely helped in ... | |
Smear campaign? Very good points and perspective Jmcgrogan2. As far as the mad poster, he hasn't been seen or heard from since his exposure. From the response in this thread, as well as those he was involved in, lots of people saw right through the whole thing. |