

Responses from twoleftears

Devore Fidelity Orangutan O/96
I heard O/93's at Command Performance a while ago.  They were fine but they really didn't draw me in; there was no magic.  I've never heard the O/96's, but from the name, the price, and what I've read about them, I gather they are a step (or two) ... 
I really wanted to dislike D'Agostino
At least Coda makes some products that are bordering on the affordable. 
Belles Aria Integrated burn in time
My Aria preamp/mono combo really opened up around the 50 hour mark.  Good before; excellent after. 
Review: Fritz Heiler’s Carrera BE Bookshelf Speakers
He bought the Salks, but if you like the sound of classic Scanspeak drivers, the Fritz is the one to go for.  There are basically four models, same size with different driver packages. 
Poor Fritz
http://www.fritzspeakers.com/ In the price bracket he's operating in, these are absolutely THE BEST. 
Deck selection 2 ~ 3k
Here you go.https://www.musicdirect.com/turntables/MoFi-Electronics-UltraDeck-Turntable?variant=AMFETTUDUT&gclid=CjwKCAjwq_D7BRADEiwAVMDdHuGZDzpr9Rt17RFKiehr8CCmFJl4jNIvPQgsgxIrsyQT_OSnEYKpFBoCaUoQAvD_BwE  
Audio envy - dang!
Here's a question that I've never seen answered:  what's the difference between the O'nestian 4:3 and the O'nestian G:L?  Both XLR ic's, and both same price. 
Looking for recommendation for a 3 way book shelf speaker with very good bass.
Classical Music for Aficionados
Arrau's complete Liszt Etudes.Who knows this recording well?The piano image is remarkably high, as if it were up on a raised stage and you were down in a seat close by.Also the bass/lower midrange seems remarkably, err, generous.  I'm not complain... 
The truth...Anyone can consider themselves a consultant, of anything.
What happened to the last thread?  Why was it closed down? 
Speakers which always sound good
Dutch & Dutch 8c 
During this isolation, I would be interested in suggestions of great movies you like.
The Good Shepherd dir. Robert de Niro (complex thriller, not religious!).Being John Malkovich (not autobiographical or biographical).Death in Venice. 
If (a) they're temporarily shut down, or (b) can't get parts so are stymied, or (c) can't keep up with demand, then yes, I guess, an inquiry may go unresponded to. 
Am I too big of a jerk,even for audiogon?
How south is South? 
Am I too big of a jerk,even for audiogon?
Can't resist to urge to tinker, sorry. (Plus I'm a big fan of the subjunctive.)La idea que el mundo esté listo para acabar porque el discurso civil se acabó, viene existiendo desde hace antes de Cristo.