Responses from twoleftears
Are my standards too high? Rarely has a troll been so successful in reformulating the same basic "provocation" dozens of times and getting people to bite every single time. | |
Jazz is not Blues and Blues is not Jazz....... Strange. I always thought Blues got lumped together with Rhythm, not Jazz.Anyway, this debate is about as productive as trying to arrive at universally accepted definitions of what is yellow and what is orange.Sure, the 12 bar blues is a classic ... | |
Interesting discovery when my carpets were cleaned yesterday! Herbie's threaded gliders are more discreet than the Gaias... | |
Thought My Harbeth M40.1's Were Forever Speakers - Guess Not By that logic all Harbeth owners should limit themselves to Hegel amps. Which is clearly not the case. Some of us prefer to trust what we hear ourselves. | |
Question about length of SPDIF COAX interface cable length I thought it was optical/toslink that needed to be a certain length to perform optimally. | |
Contemplating DEVORE SPEAKERS (and others)....LONG audition report of many speakers @highend666 I presume this claim is based on your personal auditioning of every speaker on the planet. | |
Thought My Harbeth M40.1's Were Forever Speakers - Guess Not @cd318 Unless you own or have owned 40.2's from new, and have gone through the process, you hardly seem like the best qualified to opine on this topic. Most of us are posting based on first-hand empirical experience. | |
Thought My Harbeth M40.1's Were Forever Speakers - Guess Not The woofer breaks in around 50 and the tweeter around 100. The midrange undergoes very little change. | |
Contemplating DEVORE SPEAKERS (and others)....LONG audition report of many speakers The D line is a very different beast to the Classic line. (BTW, the Classic line is excellent.) | |
Lemons are an actual thing in high-end audio There are flawed designs and there are units manufactured on Friday afternoons. Two different things. | |
Am I too big of a jerk,even for audiogon? Transparently referring to someone else. And a thread very close to this one (at least it was close when I read them both), was started by the individual in question. | |
Classical Music for Aficionados Schumann, Humoreske, Novelletten, Nachtstucke, Piano Sonata #2 / Andras Schiff. Live recording by ECM, 2 CDs. Not surprisingly it being ECM, the piano recording is excellent, and Schiff is on top form for his audience. | |
Something Else I'm Wondering About Some people do go into their speakers and rewire the insides with whatever speaker cable they are using.Still, mutatis mutandis, this is rather like the electric grid/power cable argument. | |
Monoblock Aegirs Horizontal bi-amp with one Vidar and one AegirORcall Johnny Rutan at Audio Connection and talk to him about how well the Belles Aria goes with the Vandersteen 2's. | |
Location of instruments in the orchestra... There is a somewhat common practice called "split violins", where they're divided left and right, but if they are all clearly on the right, then as newbee say, the channels got reversed somewhere in the chain. It may be in your system, but if oth... |