Responses from twoleftears
Chord DAVE, any lesser Chord DAC come close? Wasn't there a very recent thread on the Qutest, with comments on some of the other Chord models? | |
Small drivers vs big drivers Yes, excursion distance before bottoming out is another factor to be taken into consideration.This is whole thread shows why I find the Raidho (and similar) philosophy totally unconvincing. | |
Small drivers vs big drivers It's not just a question of whether a 7" driver can produce 20Hz, it's surely a question of at what level.BTW, 3 x 7" = approximate surface area of 1 x 12" driver. | |
Less Loss Firewall 64x Module I presume that previously the ATC's were plugged directly into the wall? | |
Beware of the cable claiming long burn in period. If manufacturers stand behind their claims that their cables sound better after significant burn-in, then they should, as standard practice, offer those products fully burnt-in, not as some optional, add-on, and always more costly extra. Who else... | |
Classical Music for Aficionados I was actually introduced via the Second; the classic Solti Chicago SO on vinyl is imprinted on my teenage memory patterns. After I got to know all ten, it just seems to me that the Fourth captures a lot of the mature Mahler and is at the same ti... | |
Beware of the cable claiming long burn in period. This just reminds me of the Morrow thread from a little while ago.When the return period is shorter than the break-in period, you know there's a problem. | |
Small drivers vs big drivers Despite multiples of 7" or 8" drivers having the same radiating surface when calculated mathematically, there's something about a 12" or larger that just sounds better. Designers went to smaller drivers to make speakers narrow, for ergonomic and ... | |
Classical Music for Aficionados @pete23 I strongly recommend Mahler 4 as the gateway drug to Mahler fanaticism. Thereafter the world's your oyster: 2, 3, 5, 6, 9, 10. There are passages in all that will test a system. | |
Upgrading Integrated Amplifier - Musical Fidelity? Musical Fidelity jumped the shark years ago.With the new Creek releases that will depress the prices of their previous generation integrateds, making them fall within your budget. | |
A New? Way to Buy Loudspeakers?? When they moved to their flagship store a few years ago, they got rid of real listening rooms and just had one room where you could listen to a digitally synthesized simulacrum of various speakers they sold. Utterly ridiculous. This is evidently... | |
One Amp To ‘Rule’ Them All.... Come on! It's the internet. You expect everyone to agree on something?? | |
Proac D48R Is M6 one of the thread sizes that comes as an alternative in the Gaia box? | |
Upgrading Integrated Amplifier - Musical Fidelity? Creek? | |
Does my amp have enough juice to power my speakers? Do they sound heavenly and eeeh playing the same music? If so, then it's definitely something else. If you can find a correlation (demanding source material) then it's probably the amp. |