Responses from twoleftears
Classical Music for Aficionados Hey, what about Bolet? I have a few recordings of him that I really like. | |
Full Range under $5k-ish Limiting choices to that list, my top picks would be the Salk and the ProAc. | |
Rogers Studio 1s vs. Harbeth SHL5 Plenty of love on here for the SHL5s, but you could also look at Graham and the Classic line from Spendor. Lots of options. | |
Harbeth SHL 5 amplification Deja Vu in Washington DC sell Harbeth and also specialize in lots of low-powered tube gear (Audio Note, custom, etc.). Why not give them a call and see what they say will wake up the SHL5s? | |
Experience with Inakustik 3500P Power Conditioner?? Dark horses:Isotek Sigmas Evo3Lab12 GordianInakusti 3500(never look a gift horse in the mouth) | |
Amplifier for Harbeth 40.2 Strikes me that one perhaps unusual feature of the Harbeth's is how they respond to lots of amps of different wattage. I'm sure they'd sound great with 600.8's; personally, I'd be much more curious to hear them mated with a XA25. | |
Do posters intend to hurt the feelings of other members? Audio Circle has a completely different feel to it. Certainly, the moderators over there (one per forum?) clamp down a lot faster on any nastiness, but then there appears to be much less nastiness in the first place. Chicken and the egg? | |
Who makes great active preamps ? Tube or solid state or hybrid. Add Backert to the list. | |
Classical Music for Aficionados Teed up for this afternoon is Ignaz Brull. Thank you, Hyperion! Concerto #1 kind of ho-hum. Some nice moments in the slow movement. The separate Andante rather better. Now the opening of #2 is quite stirring.And here's a related general obser... | |
Amplifier for Harbeth 40.2 A whole lot of people have heard 40.2's at audio shows being driven by Vinnie Rossi L2 monoblocks, which are rated at 75/140 (8/4). All kinds of music used for demos. Many many plaudits and nary a criticism. That should put pay once and for all t... | |
Harbelth HL5plus Those Grahams are a good recommendation. Also check out the Spendor Classic 100 (less expensive than the H 40.2). | |
Which Class D Amplifier? PS Audio, Ghent, Nord, Merrill or other??? I don't know what they were driving the Muraudio with at CAF (last Nov.) but the sound was barely tolerable. First of all, overly loud for the small hotel room; second on the jazz trumpet piece, the higher notes on the trumpet just seared my ears... | |
Classical Music for Aficionados Who knew that Massenet wrote a piano concerto? Clearly I'd forgotten, as I have the Hyperion CD. I'm enjoying it enormously; it is a bit all over the place, musically speaking, but enjoyable nonetheless, and the recording is splendid. | |
Listening Levels for Classical Music / Slightly electronic sound at high levels What other similarly priced alternatives have you auditioned the Personas against? Logic suggests that at the price level you're operating at, there will be other makes out there that do it all for you, with no need to make allowances for certain... | |
Speaker Width? I understand the constraints. I've heard that Salk model and they are capable of incredible depth of soundstage, which you will miss out on. But that's one of life's compromises, I suppose. |