Responses from twoleftears
Capitol Audio Fest and the New York Audio a trend is emmerging @audiotroy I’m sorry, you got that wrong. Were you actually at CAF? I was referring to Command Performance sets ups and Deja Vu set up, two highly recommendable stores by the way. Tenacious also probably falls into that category. | |
Running Benchmark AHB2 in bridged mode and 4 Ohm Speaker The latter... | |
Classical Music for Aficionados Agreed. O'Conor/Nocturnes/Telarc=delicious. It's the recording done by Onyx, rather than the performance, that doesn't completely convince me. Anyway, 6 & 7 didn't provide any major revelations. Onward. Who's next? | |
Is the NuPrime CDT 9 Pro a Best Kept Secret? Can somebody identify it from pics? | |
12AU7 Genalex or Psvane for Cayin Hybrid Integrated H80A Andy, Brent, ... Jim McShane. | |
Help me choose a speaker match for my Line Magnetic 805ia tube amp under $10K @freesole I've never heard the Argos, but Lou recommends them for a notably wide sweet spot and a slightly more forgiving presentation. I think you might like the new Apollo or possibly the Ulysses. Note that Daedalus has a very significant sale... | |
Running Benchmark AHB2 in bridged mode and 4 Ohm Speaker And of course all topologies of amps behave identically when bridged, and no amps are ever specifically designed to be bridged. | |
Preamp tube Depends on the layout of the amp, which I'm not familiar with. It all depends which tube or tubes handle input. Similar tubes may be just phase inverters, so less crucial. Mullard, Amperex Bugle Boy, and Telefunkun are all good but on spectrum,... | |
Symphonic Line - No longer in business? Bunge was using a SL cd-player at CAF. | |
Capitol Audio Fest and the New York Audio a trend is emmerging When stores exhibit, their systems tend to be more proportional. When a manufacturer tries to show his product to the best advantage, or when two manufacturers go in on a room together, things can get out of whack. | |
full-scale orchestral music—best test of speakers’ potential? @mamboni Although I'm sure it must be simplistic in some regards, have you ever seen the 2003 BBC movie entitled simply "Eroica"? It dramatizes the lead-up to and the first performance of the symphony. When trying to explain what Romanticism is a... | |
Classical Music for Aficionados Field 3, 4, 5. Now he seems to be channelling a little bit of Beethoven mixed in with the Chopin. I like O'Conor as a pianist a lot (on the Telarc label), but I don't think I really like the Onyx recordings very much. Perhaps O'Rourke is better. | |
Help me choose a speaker match for my Line Magnetic 805ia tube amp under $10K How far away are you from Ferndale, WA? It would be fantastic to audition all Daedalus speakers on site. | |
full-scale orchestral music—best test of speakers’ potential? @mamboni Very interesting observations. I wish my preamp had a phase button so I could switch back and forth easily. | |
I admit it, I get skin orgasms. frisson ~ “escalofrío” in Spanish, which captures the idea of cold shivers down your back. Goosebumps, neckhair, and backshivers all together (rare) are the big 3-0. |