

Responses from twoleftears

Speakers positionning
Moral of the story: individual speakers vary a great deal, rooms vary a great deal, interactions between the two vary a great.  So, it's best to keep an open mind and experiment as much as possible, even with "unconventional" configurations. 
Capital Audio Fest 2018--show report
They were running on an 8-watt 300B amp from Modwright.  Just like my Proac Response 2.5's used to run on an 11-watt 300B amp from Cary.  The bass was really there, from what I heard this morning.  If you don't mind giving up those last couple of ... 
Classical Music for Aficionados
Just got the Igor Levit, "Life" CD on recommendation from here.  I'm loving it (disc A).  Superlative playing and some the best recorded piano sound I've heard in a while. 
Whats playing on your system today?
Igor Levit, "Life": superior piano sound and playing. 
Capital Audio Fest 2018--show report
Wrapping up.  Day 3,fatigue beginning to set it.  Returned to hear the Odyssey Kismet Liquids (did anyone else try these), and this time round I couldn't stay long--once again volume set too high, and the highs in the recording were very strident.... 
Capital Audio Fest 2018--show report
@gregb63 See my comments above on Muraudio. 
Capital Audio Fest 2018--show report
@bigkidz I was there, though fairly briefly.  What I heard was very impressive, everything obviously on a very large scale, but because (a) they were well out of my price range, and (b) you clearly would need a very big room to do justice to those... 
Capital Audio Fest 2018--show report
DAY 2 OK, first, I’m now ready to nominate my joint best of show: Daedalus Zeus, and IMC Audio Forty-10. Also, my joint best value for money of the show goes to: Salk Song3 BE-AT, and Odyssey Liquid. General observations. Nothing new here. Th... 
Capital Audio Fest 2018--show report
OK, added to the remaining list--I'll be here tomorrow morning, and so far Odyssey and now Triangle Art are on the playlist... 
Anyone have an experience with Belles Aria preamp & mono amps vs. tube integrated ?
@jenney No I don't really miss the Rogue.  In the world of tube amps, it certainly wasn't the "tubyest", and frankly the Arias are very sweet sounding.  They won't be mistaken for pure class A SET, but they are very good and punch well above their... 
Help me choose a speaker match for my Line Magnetic 805ia tube amp under $10K
Besides my previous recommendations, used Harbeth 40.2, Spendor SP100; also a brand new speaker just out the Odyssey Liquid, at $5900.  See show report to be posted this evening... 
Speakers positionning
Drivers will have an equal dispersion pattern laterally, i.e. to each side of the driver, so in terms of brightness, etc., a speaker oriented to cross 2' in front of your head should sound much the same as a speaker oriented crossing 2' behind you... 
Capital Audio Fest 2018--show report
I want to say 29K, but I may be misremembering.  I know it began with a 2 and was five figures. 
Help me choose a speaker match for my Line Magnetic 805ia tube amp under $10K
Those are all very mainstream choices.  Going a little off the beaten track will net you much better results.First of all, take a good look at Daedalus.  All their speakers are rated with high sensitivities, yet can handle power.  There are severa... 
Curious what people think is the best "value" high end speaker (~5K to 15K)
If value=best bang for the buck, then based on several encounters with speakers new to me here at CAF, then the clear answer is Salk, Salk, Salk.  The Song 3 BE-AT is a really winner at a real-world price.  Everyone says that Y rivals X which is t...