Responses from twoleftears
Innuos: A Cautionary Tale. Is there a grey market in Innuos products? | |
What is the best order to upgrade a power cable loom? Thanks. When dressing them, pay considerable attention to the warp and weft. | |
Goodbye Paradigm Monitor 7 v4's | |
Suggestions for New CD Player Denon DCD-1600NE fits the bill. More than competitive with the Marantz ND8006. | |
Blasphemy! I want an 1/3 octave EQ | |
Classical Music for Aficionados ? | |
Looking for a CD player Now of course there's also this one. | |
What is the Silliest Accessory You Have Ever Seen. Components are parts of the system that you absolutely need to get sound out of it. In a conventional system, source component(s), amplification, speakers, ICs, SCs, and PCs.Beyond that everything else, categorization-wise, is subjective.Accessor... | |
About to invest in room treatments; GIK, RealTraps, DIY -- what is your experience? There was someone on AudioCircle complaining about very long delays in order fulfilment from GIK. No idea if they're swamped or may be having supply chain problems. | |
Truly Balanced Cheaper Preamplifiers? You mean like the Benchmark? (Any number of threads on similar topics recently.)First, start by defining your idea of "cheaper"--not everyone understands this the same way... | |
What is the Silliest Accessory You Have Ever Seen. Where do accessories end and tweaks begin? | |
Phil Spector, dead @cd318 Pity we can't ask Lana Clarkson if "troubled" is the adjective she would use. | |
Classical Music for Aficionados Today: Alkan, Chanson de la folle au bord de la mer, played by Vincenzo Maltempo on a 1899 Erard. I suppose this is much closer to what people would have heard at the time. | |
What is the Silliest Accessory You Have Ever Seen. Nominations for the dottiest accessory? | |
Any experience with Min at Tube audio lab? Solid state vs Tube pre in general As OP didn't link. |