
Responses from uncledemp

Thumper’s Mother
@pennfootball71  In Bambi, Thumper’s mother said ‘if you can’t say anything nice, don’t say anything at all.’ One of my superiors in the Navy made it his own, and he said, ‘if you can’t say anything nice, keep your blankety blank mouth shut.’ Wi... 
Thumper’s Mother
Corey Glover is not related to Danny Glover.. Google was not around back when the rumor was going around..  my apologies! Should have looked before I typed it!    
Thumper’s Mother
@asvjerry  Great song! As a (hack) drummer, I always liked that groove! I remember when it came out. Danny Glover’s son I think…  
Thumper’s Mother
@asvjerry  Sorry to hear of your health issues, keep fighting my friend. Most of us will there at some point. You seem like an upbeat guy, that’s a great thing! @tomic601  I enjoy wetting a hook! Best! @jetter  You’re an old school member her... 
Thumper’s Mother
Great conversation, fellas, your posts encourage me. Encouraging and protecting those in need brings out the best in me, Trust me, I’ve lived a rowdy life, and the thought of answering for my past chills me to the bone. My only choice seems to be ... 
Thumper’s Mother
@asvjerry  I’ve always thought you were a good egg, Jerry! Hope all is well with you!  
Thumper’s Mother
I appreciate you giving this a read, and giving your feedback. Many of your posts have encouraged me, and I hope some of you are encouraged. I have a large group of like minded men that I am blessed to call friends, so I’m much better off than man... 
Thumper’s Mother
@roadwhorerecords  Thanks for your well wishes! Best to you and all the fathers and grandfathers! Hope you all have an awesome day! @ozzy62  I have a similar experience in another ‘off topic audio forum’. For the most part, it is good, clean f... 
Thumper’s Mother
@anotherbob  I appreciate your service as a police officer. That job is beyond my level of courage, that’s for sure. Reading your post, I’m not sure I understand your point, but I respect it. If there is a choice of saving an innocent person with... 
Thumper’s Mother
Oh no! Please don’t do it! Be the shepherd!  
Thumper’s Mother
I wish I could say I don’t fail daily to be the best person I could be, but that would be a lie. I’m impatient, self-centered, and prone to jump to conclusions. Sadly, this leads to my words being careless at times.    But I promise I’m trying. B... 
Thumper’s Mother
@tooblue I never claimed to be smart, haha! @hilde45 6 yo granddaughter, only woman that would have me!   Hope everybody, and I promise everybody here has a great weekend, whether we agree or not.  
Thumper’s Mother
I think I’ve laid out my case in clear terms. When I see some of you picking on others, I’m likely to pick on you.    I’m going to the pool, tata!      
Thumper’s Mother
@tooblue  I never picked on anyone, don’t know the cat, never tangled with him.  You’ll have to ask him why he responded to the post. I criticized behavior, not a member. Leave him alone?   
Thumper’s Mother
I guess it’s ironic when you tell somebody if they don’t stop hitting their wife, you will hit them. The abuser becomes the victim, and we have a circular reference I suppose. But somehow that doesn’t sit well with me. So if I was to ask them to s...