
Responses from unsound

Need advice/opinion in choosing Vandy 2ci or Thiel 1.5
I have to agree with @Holmz re: the Vandersteens 2’s unfussy compatibility with various amps. One of the most accommodating speakers I know of in that regard. Though I do have a particular fondness for PSE, McCormack and Audio Research with them. 
Why the hate for mcintosh amps?
Postscript: Another objection I have to most meters is that in the vast majority of cases: what is actually being measured is arbitrarily limited by the manufacturer’s decisions, rather than what might actually be of interest to the consumer. 
Why the hate for mcintosh amps?
FWIW, my take on meters: Meters on most home audio gear are almost never calibrated and more often than not mislead rather than inform. Some of the newer digital meters on the more expensive, esoteric gear might be better. They are distracting, ad... 
Need advice/opinion in choosing Vandy 2ci or Thiel 1.5
2jjss49, I’ve heard this criticism across various Thiels including larger models from time to time. My experience suggests that this might be more to do with the sloping baffle and ceiling reflections. When I moved from an 8’ ceiling to one with a... 
The Importance of the Digital Cable
@yuviarora, If your responding to my last post; let me offer an apology for not being more specific. I was referring to your 9/13/21 post. The again, you might not care. It seems as though you don’t care what others think, but you post your though... 
Need advice/opinion in choosing Vandy 2ci or Thiel 1.5
@holmz, I don’t swap gear in and out all that often, especially speakers. I’ve kept speakers for decades. What usually causes such changes; is a change in rooms. The room / speaker relationship can not be under emphasized. And this is Audiogon, ch... 
The Importance of the Digital Cable
@yuviarora, Actually that’s not true. Though they may issues of their own; optical transmissions don’t comply with your parameters. 
Threshold T-200. Help me choose a preamplifier
@vestusto, Don’t worry, I don’t expect you to have any problems.  
Need advice/opinion in choosing Vandy 2ci or Thiel 1.5
While this might not be his forever room, this might not be his forever system either. 
Need advice/opinion in choosing Vandy 2ci or Thiel 1.5
While I ultimately much prefer the Vandy 2’s to the Vandy1’s, @audionoobie is spot on regarding the Vandy 2’s being too big for such a small room. 
Threshold T-200. Help me choose a preamplifier
Interestingly, at one point in time Jeff Rowland subscribed to a rather unique perspective that pres and amps should be connected via a power transfer that eschewed the standard 10 to 1 typical impedance transfer. I think he later abandoned that c... 
How important is the pre-amp?
It would seem to me that attenuation would be best implemented remotely at the input of the amplification stage and all other control duties be placed further upstream. 
Thiel Owners
@tomthiel, I think with the advancements in digital technology many might soon find traditional preamps superfluous. Wouldn’t such “leaky” cabinets compromise time integrity?  
Why the hate for mcintosh amps?
@roxy54, To each his own. I really do believe that for the most part we hear similarly, but often do listen differently, Enjoy! 
Need advice/opinion in choosing Vandy 2ci or Thiel 1.5
There's still support available for Thiel Audio loudspeakers: Coherent Source Service – Specializing in repair and restoration of THIEL Loudspeakers