
Responses from unsound

Vandersteen 2CE Signature III — video review on YouTube by Steve Guttenberg (1/15/2023)
^You might not be wrong for you, but for others, missing sound beyond the limitations of FM could be lacking. Furthermore, there something to be said for the wiggle room beyond the limitations of hearing.  
Coaxials - Reality vs. Experience?
I think the later Thiel versions worked nicely. Perhaps, the flat profile helped mitigate the lobing and doppler issues that might have otherwise prevailed?  
Vandersteen 2CE Signature III — video review on YouTube by Steve Guttenberg (1/15/2023)
I think that some older speakers weren’t capable of true high end extension, which allowed the rising high end of many mc cartridges to gain in popularity. Later with more capable tweeters and the entrance of CD’s this was altered.  
Vintage amplifier specifications
There were speakers of this era that really needed amps capable of delivering into low impedances, such as Apogee, Infinity, Thiel, etc..  
Need HDMI Cable Input: Knowledge/Comparison Assist, Please
Wireworld used to be the top pick with respected videophiles.  
Vandersteen 2CE Signature III — video review on YouTube by Steve Guttenberg (1/15/2023)
IMHO, the older models were rolled off, the more recent iterations more neutral.  
Cheapest but good cables….
These are moderately priced cables that perform beyond their price point and just might work well for your specific circumstances: Goertz Cables & Audio Equipment | Bridgeport Magnetics I'm not sure if it still holds, but they used offer fre... 
Vintage amplifier specifications
Many amps from the 80’s were rated not only into 4 Ohms but sometimes onto 2 Ohms as well. Big iron from Classe’, Krell, Levinson, Rowland, Threshold, etc.. Some even had more rated into lower impedances then than later on.  
Cheapest but good cables….
I have no experience with them, but Benchmark’s own cables seem to be reasonably priced, and are available with their preferred  somewhat non-standard for most residential use connectors.  
Innovative Autio in NYC just hung up on me
I haven’t been to Innovative in years, but when I lived in NYC their Brooklyn store was my preferred dealer. I also used to like Stereo Exchange. Once I had a poor experience at Stereo Exchange with one of the salesman that I had already establish... 
Thiel Owners
@gryphon1972 , The CS 1.5's are a honey of a little speaker, and FWIW the first 1 series that I genunely liked. With that said, I think your room (and amplification) is too small for them. Something like the Thiel MCS or SCS would work much better... 
What Could Cause Center Image To Present Lower than Expected
Image height can be tricky. IME, low image height can frequently be attributed to ceiling reflections. While increased height can often be beneficial, room treatment can be a more practical option for most.  
Amp for Vandersteen 2ci
McCormack PSE  
Thiel 03a speakers
Cross-over or wiring?  
Oppo 105D digital volume question
I don’t think you can use the Oppo as a transport to control the volume of the Ayre DAC