Responses from washline
Speakers Corner I haven't yet compared to any originals I own. As for now, I have the two Weather Report discs, the Mahalia Jackson at Newport, and the few releases of Ben Webster and Coleman Hawkins. I don't plan on cleaning them unless I hear a reason to do so ... | |
Teres Audio He's still around and doing work. The problem has been his email account. He didn't get several of my emails and I didn't get one of his. If you need to contact Chris, call him on the phone instead. He's looking into his email problems and was sur... | |
Amari ultrasonic automatic RCM http://www.cattylink.com/rw800.html | |
Amari ultrasonic automatic RCM It's $923 from Cattylink | |
Teres Audio Well, he responded to my first email in early June, and then nothing. The website is still operating. I find it surprising that Teres would be out of business. | |
Analog Journey to Singapore Hifi Show Great stories. Thanks for sharing. How did you meet all of these folks, Mr. Semantics? | |
Review: AudioMachina Maestro Ti-200 Speaker Superb review. Very well done and clear. I heard the Pure System here in Seoul about seven years ago. The best speaker I've heard, and I've heard many. It's a holy grail for me, and I'm originally from Fort Collins! I hope to spend time with the g... | |
SACD... can you hear the difference? It depends. When I first started listening to SACDs about nine years ago, I could certainly hear a significant improvement over CD. Much greater clarity, precision and quality. However, some SACDs are not of such good quality. There's a significan... | |
Record cleaning fluids I used to use AIVS. Then I switched to TTVJ's enzyme cleaner. Much, much better and a lot cheaper. | |
Spin Clean seems to add noise to records? I've found that TTVJ's Vinyl Zyme Gold does a much better job than AIVS. It's also a lot cheaper and can be bought in concentrate form and mixed with distilled water in varying levels of concentration. When I used AIVS on my record cleaning machin... | |
Phono cartridge grading I've always wanted to hear the "base" of a cartridge. I'm sure it's much nicer than the "bass." | |
Lawrence Audio I currently own the Violins. Superb speaker with incredible cabinet finishing. The ribbon tweeter extends to around 40khz. Bass is solid with good impact overall. I'm currently driving them with Rogue Audio Tempest III amplification in a second sy... | |
JM Lab Nova Be or Eggleston andra 3 ? anyone? I much prefer the beryllium tweeter to the esotar tweeter. Regarding deep bass, if you have the right amplification, the Novas will go very deep indeed. | |
Esoteric K01: What are the best settings for CD? The first thing that struck with me about the K-01 was how mammoth the soundstage was--wall to wall, front to back. It was giving my vinyl rig a real run for its money. | |
Esoteric K01: What are the best settings for CD? Yup. Guido up there turned out to be right, but I came to the same conclusion not after a massive break in of that particular setting but after the break in of the other setting. I think using the K-01 over a period of time with one setting does p... |