Responses from wdi
Intergrated or Solid State Whats The Difference ? Is it possible that the original question is in reference to integrated circuits? | |
tube preamps You need to make sure that the SS amp youre going to use is not DC coupled, or you may be looking for some new speaker drivers also. | |
Help search for a phono stage that fits my system Sorry....my post above was meant for the CD92T thread...not this one!!! | |
Help search for a phono stage that fits my system I am currently using a CD92T, and it replaced a Cambridge CD500SE. In my system, Ive found the Arcam to provide a more linear presentation; with significant improvements in the frequency extremes. The Cambridge was a bit too loose in the bass for... | |
Best Temporary Record Cleaning Options Check out the post by Zaikesman regarding the use of an Ikea Underbar. http://forum.audiogon.com/cgi-bin/fr.pl?eanlg&1098927596&openfrom&1&4#1Im using a couple of these, a lazy susan, a nylon bristle paint brush, a shop vac with f... | |
Review: Mcalister Audio PP150S Tube amp Grannyring, Thanks for the thorough review, and I appreciate the fact that you’re able to provide this in the context of the extensive list of amps you’ve owned. After reading this, and spending a significant amount of time on the phone with Peter... | |
Will power conditioning really help? I second Sugarbrie's recommendation for the Blue Circle BC86Mk3 power pillows (and I'm not a dealer), simply because they work; and perhaps not so simply, because theyre parallel and do not limit current. Id also suggest that you replace the bui... | |
About Lugnut -- Patrick Malone I like the Hey Hey My My banner. Another great Neil Young song that captures the melancholy aspects of shedding our mortal coil is Sugar Mountain. BTW, like many others I only know you from what Ive read here, and you probably dont recognize me ... | |
Powercords $1000 that beat VH Audio cords Michael Wolff's Carbon Ribbon PC's - in my system....improvements in soundstage, focus, dynamics, detail, less glare.I'm still using a VH 4 on the amp, but upstream is a Wolff Gain on the Pre and a Wolff Source on the CD. | |
Meadowlark Kestrel II vs. Soliloquy 6.2 Don't mean to derail this thread, but in regards to Boa2's remark about the VH Audio Hotbox sounding veiled, I'm curious as to what specific component might be the cause? I'm using a couple of DIY powerbox's comprised of Cryoed Wattagate 5266i to ... | |
What do I look for in used records? OK, sorry to dredge up an old thread; but I have a few more questions in regards to labels.What is the consensus on Nonesuch? Odyssey?Do phrases like London's "ffrr - Full Frequency Range Recording" and Columbia's "360 Sound" mean anything or is t... | |
Amplifier suggestions for home theater I recently went the opposite direction: sold my 5 channel Rotel amp and bought a couple of 2 channel amps (to use with another stereo amp that I already had). For my objectives (yours may be different), I chose to put the most money into the 2-cha... | |
Interconnects: Silver, Copper or Silver Plated? Can I surmise then (from Bear's remarks) that copper is more forgiving than silver? | |
What do I look for in used records? JC2000 - Yes the Rimsky-Korsakoff 3 record set is in a box with paper sleeves, bound at the spine like a book. I had wondered if this might be 78 rpm, so I've been afraid to attempt to play it. The grooves are definitely larger and each record nea... | |
What do I look for in used records? OK, Ive finally purchased a phono stage and a new cartridge (along with too many more records to bore you by listing), and have moved the turntable to my main system. It can be hit and miss on what kind of shape theyre in. Some are obviously scr... |