
Responses from westborn

Complete newbie needing guidance/purchase advice
Personally, I would recommend some active speakers like the AVI ADM9t. Add a sub later. Then you can focus on all of the music content that is available out there without having to worry so much about preamp, amp, cables, source, etc. Sound will n... 
Must Hear Speakers in $10K range
M-Audio AV40' are not bad at all.Can be had for ~$150. 
The search among the great ones - 20k+ speakers
Agree with the Vandy 7 audition.If you have the room, you need to hear a good line array. 
Wilson Sophia 3
Is 'new' midrange in the Sasha and Sophia 3 the Vifa NE180W or some variant? 
Best Tube Pre-Amp under 4K
Joule Electra 
DCCA vs. PS. Audio AC-12/AC-10.
Unfortunately, we will not be able to have any comparison, as apparently both the PS Audio AC-10 and 12 are now dead. The DCCA is being held for questioning. 
Sony SCD-XA5400ES-Best SACD for under $10,000
MrTennis,Did your tech recommend an op amp to replace the existing op amps in the Sony? I was told the the existing ones were of good quality.Thanks 
Sony SCD-XA5400ES-Best SACD for under $10,000
It is time to update my digital (currently using an old faithful-heavily modded Pioneer Elite PD-65) with Michael Wolff carbon source power cord.I am really considering the Sony unit, but would like to know if there are upgrades/mods available tha... 
Speaker cable made in USA?
Easy recommendation - Clear Day Double ShotgunsMade in Nevada from Nevada mined silver. Great guy, good cable, no obligation trial. Nuff said.Peace, love, out. 
Cables for Cayin A50T and Totem Arros
clear day double shotguns 
Threshold to Pass upgrade?
Pass will be better, but not $10,000 better. But if you have the money, audio is my favorite hobby to spend it on. :-)Lots of good amps in that range, and I would first make sure you are happy with/keeping your speakers and then find the perfect m... 
Anyone compared Monarchy vs. TAD mono blocks
No.In fact, I haven't heard either one. :-D 
Did Wilson change the Duette's tweeter?
Perhaps the meticulous craftsmanship does not extend to QC of the text in the marketing materials. Unclear whether stated driver size, speaker dimensions, frequency response, etc. are actually accurate. :-) 
Are Ohm Walsh Speakers the Poor Man's MBLs?
No way. Unless you're talking about the Ohm Fs, they sound muddy and plastic-y.My opinion.