

Responses from wig

Good $250 Power Cord
Thanks for the suggestions, much appreciated! Wig :o) 
USPS Priority Mail
I have been using USPS for my professional photography and high-end stereo equipment for eight years to my overseas assignment and never had any damages or issues. Equipment consisted of 70 lbs ea.speakers and 50 lbs amp i.e. Wig 
Good $250 Power Cord
A neutral cable with speed, clarity and dynamics. Thanks, Wig 
Power Cord arrangement ?
So, I should arrange them like listed below: BDA-1 DAC on MIT AC-1 Rega Apollo on MIT Z Cord II 21A Pre-amp on MIT original Z-cord 150A Ref amp stock cable for now Will look at upgrading power cord for the amp later this year. Trying to read all ... 
Rega Apollo Upgrade ?
What digital cable are you guys using for your BDA-1? I have a Kimber DV75 and will see how it works out but would like to hear some reasonably priced replacements($200-300) Thanks, Wig 
Dynamic Design Lotus Spkr cable users?
Thanks for taking the time to express your experiences and positive responses about Dynamic Design cables. I have also upgraded my entire system to DD Bi-wire and MK2 interconnects. I'll post my experience with these cables once I receive them and... 
Rega Apollo Upgrade ?
Guys, Thanks for the responses. But that's exactly what I did, ordered a BDA-1 and can't wait to hear what I have been missing for so long! Wig 
Dynamic Design Lotus Spkr cable users?
Thanks guys for the information. The speaker cable will have to wait until a later date but my source will hopefully have two pairs of the new next Gen MK2 ready for shipment soon. I can't wait to get them in my system! Wig 
Which tubes are better...
I have decided that the GE BP 5814A in my system are much better than the Mullards. The GE's are more detailed and microdynamics are easily revealed. I may like the Mullards more when I update my S3 interconnects but we'll see when the time comes.... 
Need advice on amp to drive Vandersteen 2Cs
My 2 Ce Sig II were originally mated with a Rogue Cronus and upgraded RCA Clear Tops with outstanding result if you have a medium sized room but I upgraded to the Belles 150A Ref and it's stunning! Wig 
Which tubes are better...
Reb1208, Thanks for the recommendation! I'll let you know how the Mullards sound in my system. Wig 
Which tubes are better...
I received both CV4003 Mullards and GE 5814A BP triple micas. The BP are very neutral and the sound is phenominal, open, detailed and dynamic. I'll try the Mullards in a few days to see which ones I'll decide to use. Wig 
Cables for Vandersteen 2 Ce Sig II
I think I'm keeping the MI2 but how do I open up the spades at the speaker end since there not completely sitting flush under the binding post? Wig 
Which tubes are better...
I believe my GE 12AU7A tube are on their last leg which I thought are rather new since the unit I bought was a demo with light use. I have been noticing static in the right channel but thought it was the running washing machine or dish washer. But... 
Which tubes are better...
Mofimadness, Thanks for the response, I contacted Upscale two hours ago and ordered two pairs of CV4003's. Should have them in about 7 days. I was torn between the clear top but the wordmusical seem to be the theme of Mullard users. Wig :)