
Responses from winnardt

I feel bad for GenX'ers that missed out on the 60s and 70s.
slaintOf all those bands you listed, maybe only The Police and Prince could creep onto the list given by the OP (BTW, he forgot The Who). This in no way means that the bands you listed didn't each produce a few songs that might measure up to the s... 
Why the cost increase?
oldhvymecSo now you're calling me a scammer. I've never scammed anybody in my entire life and if you were any sort of polite person, you'd retract that. But I'm guessing you won't so maybe it's you who is the problem and not people who curse.I'll ... 
Why the cost increase?
jssmithI did something similar only not the degree you did it because I don't own individual stocks, I own mutual funds. When the crash started last year I had my financial advisor move money to bond funds and then when I though it was over, I had... 
Why the cost increase?
oldhvymecI never said a word about "scam". A scam implies an illegal activity. Have you been able to show that the prices being charged for lumber are illegal? If not, there's no scam and no reason for you to insinuate that there is.And then you t... 
Why the cost increase?
oldhvymec"I guess I must have hit a nerve.." Not so much. I can’t tell you why I do this, but I do have a small urge to set people straight who have said something that was incorrect (and there are countless of these people on the Internet). Takin... 
Why the cost increase?
oldhvymecYou didn’t go deep enough on your research. What the government does when it appears to take money from Social Security is skim off earnings of the surplus that is invested in bond funds. Money that comes in today goes right back out tomo... 
Why the cost increase?
oldhvymec You did the classic "I don't like the guy so anything good he did must have been fake" bit. Sorry, but Clinton had 4 balanced budgets and even ran a surplus. It wasn't fake and he and Kasich deserve the credit. Just because Bush II ca... 
Nicks or McVie.....
Since we’re comparing them, we have to compare their work with Fleetwood Mac because Stevie definitely had the better solo career. When comparing their work with Fleetwood Mac, of their biggest hits, Stevie sang lead only on Rhiannon, Dreams, Sara... 
What a Wonderful World - Louis Armstrong 
What Is The Most Romantic Song That You Have Ever Listen To?
tmcfaddenThat Sergio Mendes version of The Look of Love is just sizzling hot. Fantastic horn parts and incredible cymbal smashing, not to mention the sultry way the female lead(s) sing their parts. I play it for my 20 something daughters to hear w... 
Samsung flat screen TV’s
Hey recluse,Was the one that turned on and off hooked up to a cable box? I don't mean to state the obvious if everyone knows this, but cable boxes have to be rebooted from time to time or else they will exhibit this same behavior, making it appear... 
What Is The Most Romantic Song That You Have Ever Listen To?
How Do I Live - LeAnn RimesI realize this post was about personal preference of romantic songs, but this one has some statistical backing as the favorite of many people:#4 all time on Billboard’s Hot 100 and the highest rated love song. 69 weeks o... 
Cat Scratch Fever?
I like Stranglehold and I can tolerate the song Cat Scratch Fever, but every other song on the album Cat Scratch Fever sucks and then Nugent released an album a year for the next 3 years and then an album every other year up until 1988 for a total... 
Timothy - The Buoys. Although there may have been other songs about cannibalism, I don't believe any other one made it to the top 20 on Billboard as did Timothy. Trivia note: It was written by Rupert Holmes, famous for Escape (The Piña Colada Song... 
Any good experience in discovering new music via TV or movie recently ?
indyvwThis comment isn't about the music in The Queen's Gambit, but I did watch the last episode 3 times because she's so confident, fashionable, beautiful, and even if she had pushed people away earlier, they all come back to help her in the end....