

Discussions wokeuptobose has started

Transport--Used PS Audio PerfectWave or New Teac VRDS 701T????19615
Shocking Lampizator Service672828
PS Stellar M700s for my subs? Do some Amp designs cut off low frequencies at 20 Hz?7871
questions for georgehifi and others about powering my Wilson Sasha2s495536
Luxman M900u match with Modwright LS 300, one or two 900s needed?39555
Anyone tried aftermarket fuses in the newish Parasound JC1+s20836
ghentaudio Ethernet cable review-wow-90 bucks709533
TotalDAC D1 Driver-anyone using one yet?309012
Townsend Platforms installed under my ARC REF10 and dCS Bartok20922
As promised my thoughts on my newly installed Townsend Podium isolation system.357814
Townsend springy platforms for my Sasha 2s, springs not ISOA GIAS, HRTs for electronics???354823
Theoretically better to connect my subwoofer from preamp out, or from outputs on my amps?17999
rule of thumb: how long do you leave a tube preamp on versus turning it off then back on?964544
New ARC REF6se or buy a used ARC Reference 10?13714
suffering over choice of VTL 6550 signature II or the ARC REF6se189010