Transport--Used PS Audio PerfectWave or New Teac VRDS 701T???? | jacobsdad2000 | 1961 | 5 | |
Shocking Lampizator Service | nquery | 6728 | 28 | |
PS Stellar M700s for my subs? Do some Amp designs cut off low frequencies at 20 Hz? | koestner | 787 | 1 | |
questions for georgehifi and others about powering my Wilson Sasha2s | espilka | 4955 | 36 | |
Luxman M900u match with Modwright LS 300, one or two 900s needed? | dabel | 3955 | 5 | |
Anyone tried aftermarket fuses in the newish Parasound JC1+s | georgehifi | 2083 | 6 | |
ghentaudio Ethernet cable review-wow-90 bucks | exlibris | 7095 | 33 | |
TotalDAC D1 Driver-anyone using one yet? | millercarbon | 3090 | 12 | |
Townsend Platforms installed under my ARC REF10 and dCS Bartok | mitch2 | 2092 | 2 | |
As promised my thoughts on my newly installed Townsend Podium isolation system. | tmiddle | 3578 | 14 | |
Townsend springy platforms for my Sasha 2s, springs not ISOA GIAS, HRTs for electronics??? | gdnrbob | 3548 | 23 | |
Theoretically better to connect my subwoofer from preamp out, or from outputs on my amps? | wokeuptobose | 1799 | 9 | |
rule of thumb: how long do you leave a tube preamp on versus turning it off then back on? | wokeuptobose | 9645 | 44 | |
New ARC REF6se or buy a used ARC Reference 10? | wokeuptobose | 1371 | 4 | |
suffering over choice of VTL 6550 signature II or the ARC REF6se | allemart | 1890 | 10 | |