Responses from wolf_garcia
What affects front to back depth in room/ system? Soundstage depth is accomplished by a recording mixer by using relative volume level adjustments on isolated or semi-isolated instruments, and width is from panning from the middle outwards. That's it. Vibration controlling silliness or room refle... | |
Seeking Legit Cartridge Expert? Sorry but "legit" and "cartridge expert" may be mutually exclusive. | |
Good Speakers for Rock and Roll Under 15K Well designed speakers can play any genre of music...if you think Mahler is somehow less dynamic than Megadeath you need to get out more. | |
Using PA Speakers In A Home "Audiophile" Application! I always run PA systems in mono sometimes with a little stereo reverb to make people think they’re having more fun, and the soundcheck stereo thing is for my own amusement...if you mixed an act in stereo, even relatively small venues, people on th... | |
can subwoofers make things worse? It’s not just subs reproducing otherwise unheard bass that exists in recordings (and all around us generally), it’s the effect of adding realism and sort of "charging" the room with a more genuine ambience. Even recordings without many really low ... | |
Lowest priced MC thats better than a Premium MM? I use an Ortofon Quintet Blue MC...best 500 bucks I've ever spent on an audio item. | |
Using PA Speakers In A Home "Audiophile" Application! I’m a pro concert sound "person" (!), and a long time pro musician. Most home listening areas won’t abide Clair Brothers boxes or even La Scalas, but I use a pair of original series Mackie 350s (10" woofer) with a 92 lb Mackie woofer in my music s... | |
Help needed to eliminate unwanted noise from tweeter Don't tolerate noise...keep at it until it's gone. I use a Bryston conditioner and various noise eliminating power supplies along with worsening deafness, although that last one I don't recommend although, hey, it works for me! What? What was that? | |
DAC upgrade The Schiit Bifrost 2/64 is amazingly good, but possibly not expensive enough for this discussion. | |
Ripping CDs I like ripping CDs from my new CD player into my brain, followed by putting the ripped CD back on the shelf. There is some loss due to my weak-ish brain, but amazingly I can just put the CD back in the CD player and listen to it again thus letting... | |
Is toeing speakers a bad idea? Toe in benefits are in the ears of the beholder, and ONLY in the ears of the beholder. There is no sound in a forum response. | |
Little help with REL subwoofers, please? I use 2 "Q" series RELs in my main system...a Q150E and a Q108MK2. Each cost around 200 bucks each (used of course) maybe 10 years ago and are great sounding. If they die REL won't fix 'em but meh...they were so inexpensive I've really got my mone... | |
Efficient speakers -- What was your journey from A to B to ? In 1970 or so I bought a pair of Altec A7s from the Strawberry Alarm Clock's drummer. That was my introduction to efficiency and they sounded amazing and served my bands well until I finally sold them in '86. I'd put the horns in their own frames ... | |
Efficient speakers -- What was your journey from A to B to ? I get amazing results from Heresy IIIs (tried the IVs but the mids were inferior to the IIIs)) and switching between a tubed Dennis Had "Firebottle HO SEP (high output...ha...) and a Pass XA-25. Two REL subs. Was thinking about the Volti Razz but ... | |
Eliminated my preamp with amazing results My original version Schiit Freya has a passive setting (two actually, one with FET enhancement for longer cables supposedly) that lacks the gain of the tube setting but still...it's passive. I use it to keep the tubes "honest" (are they dying?) bu... |