Responses from wolf_garcia
Equalizer in a Hi Fi system Regardless the opinions of some outliers (Cello Palette. Really? Large and unobtainable, and try to get one repaired.) the Schiit stuff is generally accepted as superbly designed and great sounding. At least around my house anyway. There is absolu... | |
ARE AUDIOPHILES OVERLY SENSITIVE BY NATURE?FEELINGS AND OPINIONS? Clearly there are only two types of audiophiles: Me and everybody else. | |
Big speakers, are they really the best way to get great sound? Neal Young famously had his roadies set up an entire pro PA system outdoors so he could listen to a mix of an album. One pile of speakers was close to a barn so at some point he could row out on his lake and yell, "more barn!" | |
Equalizer in a Hi Fi system The Max could put the Room Treatment Cabal out of business. It's amazing and... hey...fun? Anybody have fun anymore? I’ve been using EQs of various types in pro work for decades although not in my main hifi rig as that’s traditionally been a sacre... | |
Do you think driver “break in” is real? However, you can rev new speakers as much as you wish without damage. Just change the oil regularly. | |
Yes, another audiophile at a crossroads story and request for advice A DAC with a graphic EQ? Who knew? The Loki Max is a deluxe EQ unlike anything else out there (in the analog world anyway). | |
Horns with good timbre and tonality? Worth mentioning is the fact that my Heresy IIIs have a sophisticated mid horn with the currently (in the IVs) abandoned titanium drivers. With good gear in front they're very coherent, possibly due to the fact that unlike some other horn speakers... | |
LessLoss C-Marc Entropic Speaker Cable Just purchase 2 inches of it and if that works buy more. Or realize that "precious" cable ain't always better than well designed cheaper stuff although expectation bias can and does sneak in there. After using various cables over many years I land... | |
Anxiety help needed. New instal of Hana ML I think you need the entire Michael Fremer pile of microscopes, measuring devices, and hours of tedious adjusting to get the anxiety out. Or, if it sounds good, leave the damn thing alone. | |
Pictures at an Exhibition There are no great orchestras without great conductors. Same with train lines and electrical connections. | |
Yes, another audiophile at a crossroads story and request for advice Do the tube maintenance and consider a Loki Max EQ as it can pull some life out of older recordings...or any recordings you think need it. Like you I'm a jazz freak, and the Max can bring cymbals up in a mix, balance bass and mids, restore hair gr... | |
Horns with good timbre and tonality? I'd try a pair of Volti Razzes it the return policy wasn't so final. NO returns for any reason. | |
Loki Max analog improvement I’ve used 2 Lokis for headphones or main rig (main system phones now, and video system) for a while and added the Max to the main system a couple of weeks ago. Amazingly cool, put between the preamp and power amp, no harm to the signal, no noise, ... | |
How to use headphones with separates A killer rig driven by your preamp (what I use anyway) is the Schiit Magni 3 (Now the "+") for $109 combined (or not) with their Loki Mini +...get the nice small "Pyst" cables (made by Straight Wire) from Schiit to hook 'em up and that should blow... | |
Speaker Cable Recommendation My faves: KImber 8PR (current version)...bargain cable yielding 9 or 10 AWG, which is a lot of AWGs, and it sounds great. |