
Responses from wolf_garcia

Does an Audioquest Niagra 1200 limit amplifier dynamics?
My Bryston Bit 15 seems to do no harm...a huge Piltron transformer.  
Has new music gone down the tubes?
Music on the radio has aways mostly been awful as have most movies. Decade after decade. We only remember what we liked and (thankfully) forget the crappy stuff.  
Has new music gone down the tubes?
Go see musicians in the "folkie" (acoustic generally) club nearby as that's where some great young talent is working. And note that most pop music has always mostly sucked as for every Joni or Beatles or Little Feat album there was plenty of stuff... 
Not Chinese Fakes But Not big $$$ Either
I’ve built cables for years, most recently a few subwoofer cables for my RELs (3) made from Canare /Neutrik/AQ plugs...it’s fun and who does’t like heat shrink tubing? However, I recently bought a 13 1/2’ foot pair of the newest version of the Kim... 
I keep being reminded of how much power cords mater
I've compared my fancy "garden hose" power cables to ones supplied with a Pass Labs amp and a Bryston power conditioner...no difference. One imagines both Bryston and Pass know what they're doing, but hey...it's hard to compete with the hallowed c... 
Why do Tube Amps sound more romantic v SS amps
Baloney to a couple of posts here...there are plenty of inexpensive tube amps out there that I’d wager are far superior in every way to cheap SS amps...I owned a Jolida 502 tube power amp for years and it sounded magnificent relative to some well ... 
What should be mandatory in every professional published review-
El redundo los bloviato a mundo.  
What should be mandatory in every professional published review-
Nope, there isn't. And trust me....I read and think about this stuff WAY too much. You simply won't ACTUALLY know the sound of a thing unless you give a component time in your system...If a lot of reviewers say the same thing about something you c... 
What selections do you play when showing off your system to others?
I'm hardly cynical...and it's not a "stance" as I did use the word "generally." I'm simply speaking from many years of reality with this stuff, and yeah they "can" turn towards it and it baffles me that most people just don't...they want giant scr... 
What should be mandatory in every professional published review-
There is no way to "calibrate" your hearing...you simply have to hear things yourself as (previously stated I thought) generally you not only haven't heard the item being reviewed at length in your system, you likely haven't heard any of whatever ... 
What should be mandatory in every professional published review-
Note that reviewers live in a world of allegedly quantifiable differences as they have access to myriad items that the great unwashed do not. That said, and having said that, your and my ears hear different things and I for one have proven to myse... 
Are advances in technology making speakers better?
You not only MUST upgrade often, you have to come here and tell everyone ad nauseam what you bought and how great it is so others can see how smart and sensitive you are. I do this, and everyone thinks I'm great. See? It works!  
What selections do you play when showing off your system to others?
Nobody who doesn't already care about great audio really cares about how cool you think your stereo is. They simply do not give a damn generally, and may say something complimentary to be nice...kind of like "Nice train set," or "Nice tiny doll ho... 
What should be mandatory in every professional published review-
Many reviewers post all of their own gear...would a photo make it sound better somehow? Because in either case you ain't gonna hear it.  
Best way to keep REL sub from “hopping around” at high volumes
I've used REL subs for years and they've never moved an inch on their own. This entire thread is tawdry.