Recommend a desktop nearfield speaker for me

I'm a bit confused as to whether "bookshelf speakers" are designed to be listened to from a distance, or if they are suitable on a computer desk where the distance to the ear is only ~2 feet. Or, if they are equally good in both situations (which seems to be tough).

I understand that nearfield speakers are optimized for small distances, but they are mostly active speakers, and I need a passive speaker.

Could someone recommend a passive nearfield speaker or bookshelf speaker that works well at small distances, for use on a computer desk?

My tube amp (LTA UL+) puts out 20 Wpc into 8 ohms.

I'm considering:

1. DeVore micr/O
2. BBC LS3/5A speakers such as the Harbeth P3SR
3. Focal Aria 1, maybe Sopra 1 if I stretch my budget. However the recommended amp power is 25W - 150W whereas my amp is 20W, so might not be ideal.
4. Omega Super Alnico High Output

Which (or others) might be best suited for my amp and 2-feet distance use-case? Also, the smaller the better...


I’m leaning pretty heavily towards a used pair of the Tablette 10, maybe the Sig version. The Devores are intriguing but probably more than I care to spend on this little system.

Just an OP update: I've made my choice. I'll be getting the Omega Compact Alnico Monitor, with an Omega sub. Thanks to everyone who posted here.

The other option would be the new Voxativ Hagen II, but there's quite a difference between $1500 for the Alnicos and $6000/$8000 (depending on the driver choice) for the Hagen IIs.

Congrats! I’m sure they will sound terrific. I owned pre-Alnico Omegas years ago; they were beautifully made and exceptionally coherent with excellent presence, if a bit bass-shy. No doubt the Alnicos are much better, esp with the sub. I’ve actually been thinking about asking Louis to make me a front-ported pair of your speakers, if he thought they’d work well enough that way. He’s one of the good guys.