

Responses from wsrrsw

Which Ethernet filter?
@lalitk As I recall you also helped me a while back. So thanks for then and now. Looking at their web site it seems the Gold cables come bundled? I'll email them and get it all sorted. Doesn't look like there's a 30 day trial? How could I forget... 
Which Ethernet filter?
@lalitk Did you have an EtherRegen at one point? Wondering if i should jump/try the Eno or Moun. You are using the JCat M12 and their cables. Yes? Looking at the hook up for the M12 their NET Isolator is needed from my cat 5 coming from wall.   ... 
Which Ethernet filter?
Less (in the chain) is more. My 2 pence.   
What is the best non-conditioning surge protector
+1 on whole house surge protector and not just for your tunes!  
Power supply question for streamer
+1 on iFi iPower Elite. Like sBooster too  
Sound quality of Roon
"I have read some people say Roon does not sound good." Piffle to that. Done right it sounds fantastic with no difference between that and the native streamer app. @jjss49 said it all best. You need all the bells and whistles.         
Which Ethernet filter?
This has been posted elsewhere but it’s a dang good read (and/or a good soporific). Understanding how perturbations on digital signals can affect sound quality without changing bits, and how these issues are addressed by the UpTone EtherREGEN. By... 
Single vs Bi-wire Speaker Cable
Also have found tip top jumpers is all yah need. (All I do)  I have tried connecting to treble and base and can’t tell any difference.  A while back there was much to do about doubling up on speaker wires. ( double sets/runs) Not sure where that ... 
Etheregen - doesn't seem right that it gets so hot, dangerous? Unpredictable?
Yup it runs hot. But if you want here’s a custom cooling fin. There’s a picture of one in wild on my system profile.   
Which Ethernet filter?
+1 @lalitk I also found good ethernet cables (in/out of a ethetregen) better than using optical from a switch or out from the ethetregen. With my gear optical was too sterile. Room and the other usual factors make up the rest.  
Why Purchase A CD Player or Transport ?
+1 soix SQ better than CD in high res flac files. ‘Or the same if in the same resolution.”per @ghdprentice Some refute this. Each to their own. And there’s the equivalent of surfing the web but with music on steroids.  
Moving from integrated to separates
@arafiq That’s a nice looking amp you got there!  I did a similar thing you are going to do. I had PrimaLuna HP but suspected more power for my speakers was in order (Sonus faber Guarneri evolutions) and more power, in this case, was the cure. Lik... 
What does Q mean in speaker specifications?
@czarivey Fret a pun too. This type of Q is no quixotic quagmire cued(pun) up.   
What does Q mean in speaker specifications?
@erik_squires Yes Thanks. Your quintessential knowledge appreciated. On less thing to fret over.  
CD or Streaming... am I missing out?
  @jafant “No- streaming does not surpass the CD.” In some cases/setups this is/isn’t so. Lot’s of variables but with a high bit rate on a good/great system steaming has arrived equaling or surpassing CD’s. YMMV. To dial in steaming getting r...