


You Can Take It With You

I travel a lot and hate the fact that my system sits home while I have to spend long nights in hotel rooms without tunes. I've put together a transportable (Not really Portable) Stereo system to br...

Beautiful Music, sound way beyond its cost

I have been putting together systems for 15 yeasr and found that the greatest satisfaction comes from components that perform way beyond their cost. This system is a perfect example and can be put ...

Beer Budget Tubes, Champagne Sound

As with my previous system, I strive for the best sound for the least cash outlay. I have had much enjoyment in putting together this system. I was able to have analogue and digital front ends and ...

More Cognac for near beer price

I've continued my quest for a high performance, low cost system. I went back to tubes, they're the only way I can get to the pulse of the music. This system is a most revealing, yet musical system ...

Single Ended Paradox, Low Cost, High Emotion

having lost my larger listening room to a relative on an extended stay, I was forces to revamp my listening habits to adapt to the smallish confines of my home office. With roughly a 10'X9' space t...