Responses from yogiboy
Best speaker brands for transient response You should take a look at ATC. All of them are a sealed design. This dealer is in your neck of the woods. My friend owned the smaller SCM7 and they were real nice!! https://www.musicdirect.com/shop/?query=atc | |
Recommend me a tube integrated amplifier This Rogue would fit the bill! Cronus Magnum III (rogueaudio.com) | |
Technics SL 1200 GR That Technics with this 300 dollar Grado Opus 3 MI cartridge would make a fine setup! You don’t need to spend more than that! https://www.theabsolutesound.com/articles/grado-timbre-series-opus3/ | |
speakers and cables You would need one per speaker! Are you sure that you are not mixing up a high pass filter with a high pass xover? | |
speakers and cables "@immathewj yes you are right. An integrated would do it. If ebay didn’t charge an arm and a leg, I would sell my power amp today. " There are many sites that are better than ebay to buy and sell audio gear including the site that you are now usi... | |
sansui 5500 If it works perfectly you should leave well enough alone. It is an over 50 year old component from a company that folded many years ago! But that’s just my opinion!! | |
Advice on Sterling LS3/6 I’ve been using Quicksilver tube amps for years with any BBC type speaker that I have owned. The Mid Mono tube mono blocks would be a nice pairing with those Stirlings. My friend is using this solid state Van Alstine with his Harbeth M30s. Both of... | |
DCM Time WIndow Identification Help It looks like the model 3! https://www.bing.com/videos/search?q=dcm+time+window+3&mid=C2B2EC34D2EF194365FBC2B2EC34D2EF194365FB&view=detail&FORM=VIRE&PC=HCTS&cc=US&setlang=en-US&PC=HCTS&cvid=4c9caa1c0ce543429109c2... | |
I guess I need a new multimeter. I’ve been using a Beckman for 40 + years. A used one can be had on EBAY for less than 50 bucks! | |
Advice on Sterling LS3/6 Since you like that Peachtree with your Spendors you should stick with that amp for your new Stirlings. No reason to explore uncharted waters! | |
Advice on Sterling LS3/6 I have not listened to the LS 3/6. But if you want to compare speakers it would be the Harbeth 3 way Super HL5 plus ( I own). I have also owned that Spendor and many other BBC type speaker . At that price of those Stirlings I would grab them. I do... | |
VPI to What I been using a VPI HW19 Mark 3 with a SME 309 arm for over 30 years and I still enjoy it! If I ever decided to change tables ( probably never ) I would be a lookin’ at a Technics DD. My friend owns one and he raves about it! https://us.technics... | |
Gold Lion AX7 in tube preamp Are you sure that a 12ax7 is the correct replacement tube for that preamp? | |
Gold Lion AX7 in tube preamp What tube preamp are you using? | |
JBL L-200T3 original owner Check HIFI SHARK to get an idea of the selling price! |