

Responses from yogiboy

Speaker advice?
Get yourself a pair of Spendor 3/5's,you can place them anywhere without problems.If you want to spend a little more go with the Harbeth p3's,both are outstanding with the Harbeths a little brighter and the Spendors a little laid back. You will no... 
How much do you have to spend, to get a good Sub?
Check out SVS SB-1000,at $499 it is a real bargain. They have a 45 day return and free shipping. They are a great company to deal with. I used that sub with Harbeth's with great results. 
Upgrade Questions
I don't think the Grado phono would be an upgrade to what you have .I would check out Croft Acoustics tube phono preamp($995.00)sold at Acoustic Sounds. As for the cartridge if you want Grado which is my preference I would just get a new Sonata fo... 
Micro Seiki Parts-Headshells in particular
I had a CF-1 many moons ago and it uses ADC type headshell. 
Advice for a two channel amp
Check out Rogue Audio Sphinx,it has all the options you want. 
How can a 30 watt, 28 year old amp sound more
Might not be the amp,it could be the preamp you are using with the amp. Mismatch with amp? Need more info on what you have! 
LS50s and room size
Check out Spendor 3/5R2,same price.Great little speaker! I had the 3/5 years ago and it was one of the better standmounts I have owned! 
Looking for a Nice Simple Good Sounding Preamp...
The Rogue Audio Perseus has what you are looking for,except it has four inputs,I don't think you have much choice finding a preamp with a phono and one high level input.Manley makes the Stingray with that option but it goes for $8000.You can use a... 
Need opinion of which subs to get
You can get two SVS SB-1000 for a grand. I used one with my Harbeths and it is outstanding. Svs has free shipping and 45 day money back if you do not like them. They are a great company to deal with,so it is a no brainer to give them a try! 
What is a very nice sounding tube preamp?
Quicksilver real nice! 
table, phono preamp or cartridge?
I agree with Raulirugas.A good phono preamp would be my first choice. If phono is your only source check out the E.A.R.834P,it has a volume control so you can go direct into your amps . BTW tubes is the only way to go! 
Monitor close to the wall to replace Allison 4s
Springbok10,to bi-amp a speaker you need to have a separate connecttion for low and high of the speaker. I do not understand what you mean. Are you going to bridge two amps on each speaker? If that is your goal then that is not bi-amping. Am I mis... 
Monitor close to the wall to replace Allison 4s
The Harbeths would be my choice only because I have them and I think they are the best monitor I have owned.The only problem is you can't bi-amp them! 
Line Stage Cartridge??
Just curious,how can any cartridge work without a phono preamp? Am I missing something?Thanks 
small speakers for small room
Spendor 3/5 is a great little speaker. If you don't like bright stay away from the SA1,I have owned both and I think the 3/5 is a better choice.