

Responses from yogiboy

Accurate human voice reproduction
Harbeth P3ESR is voiced for the human voice! No other speaker I have owned comes close! 
Ground Loop Hum
The only thing that is grounded is your amp. You removed the ground off all the other stuff. The grounds are not interconnected via the amp. 
Where do I go from here?
Tube preamp! 
Makes sense,go for it! 
Give it a try. If it does not work out you can always sell the Rotel and get a preamp. 
hissing sibilants
Just lower it and see if it improves the problem. 
Listening fatigue
Remove the sub for a few days,and see if that works,sometimes subs cause more problems than they are worth. 
cartridge alignment
Stringreen,who makes the Bearpaws you always recommend? I gave them a Google and nothing comes up! 
cartridge alignment
You should be fine! Spend your money on something else. I use a MSL gauge and it comes out the same is the one that was supplied with my SME tonearm. 
Grado Sonata, Signature 8MZ, Shure V15VXMR
Replace the stylus on the Grado! Forget about the Shure,they are great trackers but they are a real bore. The 8MZ is real close to the Sonata,I have both! 
Move from my LS3/5A orig ownr to Harbeth which
With that size room I would go with the P3's. I have them and with the sealed woofer you don't have to worry about placement. I am still amazed of the sound they produce! 
What should I buy for Dulcets/Harbeth
You better look at other speakers,$800 will not get them! I have the Harbeths and they go used for about $1500 to $1600 used! Good luck. 
"Not paypal"
I think Paypal is great! I like hassle free transactions. It's better than some deadbeat telling me the check is in the mail and it never shows up! As the old saying goes, "A bird in the hand is better than two in the bush!" 
Curious record side labeling
I remember my parents had a record changer in their console that had a device with a claw like clamp that would flip the record over (78 rpm). If memory serves me right it was a Stanton. Now that was progress , early 1950's. 
Best Bookshelf speaker 1300.00 budget
The new Spendor S3/5R2 was just reviewed in Stereophile.They list for $1595,with the usual dealer discount of 10% or more off that would be about $1450. If you can stretch it give them a look. They would be perfect in your size room.